
Dominguez Hills
First Year Experience

Summer Courses

All incoming First-time, first-year students are eligible to take up to two FREE courses offered in Summer Session II (July 7 – August 16, 2025) to graduate sooner and have a more successful fall semester. Visit Frequently Asked Questions.

DAN 130, 3 Units

Global Dance Perspectives

EAR 100, 3 Units

Physical Geology

ENG 107, 3 Units

Reading & Writing in Los Angeles

IDS 210, 3 Units

Introduction to Environmental Studies

MAT 131, 3 Units

Elementary Statistics and Probability

MAT 132, 3 Units

Statistics and Probability with Support

MAT 134, 3 Units

Statistics and Probability with Support

MUS 101, 3 Units

Introducing Music

POL 101, 3 Units

American Institutions

PSY 101, 3 Units

General Education Psychology: Understanding Human Behavior

SPA 151, 3 Units

Introduction to Hispanic Culture

Course Description

This introductory course in the Spanish program examines colonial and contemporary issues that have affected the entire progress of Latin America. It will explore how peoples of the Americas have been oppressed and marginalized by the hand of corrupt systems of domination, including issues on race, ethnicity, gender, and class. We will explore the cause that has led the Americas to become a land of exploitation and riches. We will analyze Latin-American countries about what has been the response of economic, violent and social challenges in civil society. 

Course Registration Information

SPA 151

Class Nbr: 36108; Section: 21

WMS 250, 3 Units

Foundations in Women's Studies

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I register for summer courses?

First-time, first-year students will be able to enroll in summer courses during New Student Orientation (NSO). NSO will take place during the month of June. Students will be able to meet with an advisor to discuss which courses are best to take for the summer and fall.

How do I register for summer courses?

First-time, first-year students will be able to enroll for summer courses during during the New Student Orientation (NSO).  New Students Orientation will take place during the month of June. Students will be able to meet with an advisor to discuss which courses are best to take for the summer and fall.

How many summer courses may I take?

All incoming first-time, first-year students may take up to two General Education (GE) courses (6 to 8-units) free of charge.

When will I know which summer course to take?

When you attend New Student Orientation (NSO), an advising team will assist you with registering in the appropriate summer courses. During your meeting with your advisor, you will ensure you picked the correct course(s) based on your major and level placement.

How do I check the GE courses offered for this summer?

To view the class offerings for a term without logging into your student account, access My Class Search.  

How do I access my student account?

If you wish to log into your account, you may access your MyCSUDH page at  

What if I am having issues accessing MyCSUDH?

If you are having trouble accessing MyCSUDH or the "class search," please try one of following:

  1. If you are receiving an error message saying your account is disabled:
    1. Close and re-open your browser session and try to access again.
    2. Clear your internet cache. Here are instructions for clearing your internet browser cache.
  2. If the error message states: "User ID and Password are required," please double check your username and password and try again on the login prompt.
  3. If an error message states: "Unauthorized to access the page," please double check if the browser you are using is on the list of supported browsers.
  4. If you are still experiencing difficulty, please submit an IT HelpWeb request via the IT Service Portal online or contact the IT Help Desk at Ext. 2500 while on campus.
When do summer courses start?

Summer courses for first-time, first-year students will take place during Summer Session II from July 6 – August 16, 2024. Courses will be offered in person. 

How much do the DHFYE Summer Program and summer courses cost?

Up to two summer courses and all activities are free for all first-time, first-year students.

Who do I contact if I have any questions about the DHFYE Summer Experience?

For questions, please contact the Dominguez Hills First-Year Experience team at

How do I drop a class, and what is the drop deadline?

For step-by-step instructions for how to drop a class, please view "Drop Process." 

Drop Deadlines:

July 6 – July 12, 2024: Late Registration and Add/Drop, Session II

For additional questions, contact the CSUDH Registrar’s Office at 310-243-3645 or email at