Dual Language Learning

¡Bienvenidos Bilingual, Multilingual, Translanguaging Educators!

Thank you for your interest in the Bilingual & Dual Language programs at CSUDH! There is a growing need for multilingual educators within the Los Angeles area and the Teacher Education Department is proud to play a part in developing the next generation of critical multilingual educators!

The CSUDH College of Education offers several different Bilingual and Dual Language (Spanish-English) programs. All programs offer a pathway to earn the Bilingual Authorization in Spanish and meets the latest Bilingual Authorization expectation set forth by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).


  • Multiple Subject Bilingual (Spanish-English) Credential
  • Single Subject Bilingual (Spanish-English) Credential
  • Education Specialist Bilingual (Spanish-English) Credential
  • MA in Education: Dual Language Learning option (Spanish-English)
  • Dual Language Learning Certificate (Spanish-English)
  • Liberal Studies: Spanish Option Undergraduate Degree

 In each of the above programs, candidates can expect to find the following four components:

  1. Spanish language & cultural competencies development of Spanish speaking communities from asset-based, heritage language learner frameworks;
  2. Foundations coursework in Critical Dual Language & Bilingual Education;
  3. Dual Language & Bilingual content methods courses with a focus on humanizing pedagogies and student-centered curriculum; and
  4. Fieldwork experiences in Dual Language & Bilingual Inclusive schools with host teachers and school leaders who embody humanizing pedagogies in their classrooms and school communities.

The hallmarks of the CSUDH Bilingual & DLL programs are a distinct focus on supporting educators and their students through Heritage Language Learner approaches that embody culturally & linguistically sustaining pedagogies and translanguaging pedagogies. In addition, we invite ourselves as teacher educators and our students, to engage in brave conversations around systems of power and privilege through critical and humanizing pedagogies. At the heart of the programs is a true belief in the limitless and transformative potential in ourselves and our colleagues. We invite you to join us on this journey!

Application Procedures and Requirements

Application Deadlines


Spring semester - November 1st
Fall Semester - June 1st


Fall Semester start only - April 1st


Fall Semester start only - April 1st

Contact Us

For information on how to obtain a Spanish Bilingual Authorization

Dr. Elexia Reyes-McGovern
Program Coordinator / Associate Professor

For information on how to obtain an Asian Bilingual Authorization

Dr. Minhye Son
Assistant Professor

For information on how to obtain a Masters or Certificate in Dual Language Learning 

Dr. Nallely Arteaga
Graduate Program Director / Assistant Professor