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Mervyn Dymally African American Political and Economic Institute (MDAAPEI) believes that the future of any society depends on its willingness to prepare youth for leadership and to become critical thinkers committed to advancing their communities, society and the world. MDAAPEI Dymally Fellows Program in Public Policy and Social Entrepreneurship is designed to provide effective cutting-edge leadership training to develop youth with skills and knowledge to become change agents in the formulation of public policy and the development of local economies. The institute builds on our student’s current knowledge by offering academic and socially enriching activities in community affairs, information and communication technologies and provide an advanced mentorship program that will aid them to become advocates for justice. The MDAAPEI Dymally Fellows Program provides opportunities for our students to learn how to serve as catalysts for change in their personal lives and communities in which they live. MDAAPEI has developed partnerships with distinguished scholars, government officials, trade unionists and business professionals who have been selected to educate and train our youth to develop and implement their leadership skills in the real world. Providing training for youth to serve in leadership capacities is essential to enable them to develop confidence in fulfilling the leadership challenges they face now and will experience in the future.
Goal: The MDAAPEI Dymally Fellows Program is committed to preparing youth for decision and policy-making responsibilities in public and private institutions. The overall goal of the program is to empower youth to be politically conscious and involved; entrepreneurially competent and productive; and become responsible future political and business leaders.
Objectives: Upon completing the MDAAPEI Dymally Fellows Program in Public Policy and Social Entrepreneurship, the youth will be able to:
The MDAAPEI Dymally Fellows Program accepts applicants from high school Juniors and Seniors and college students January 1st through March 30th every year. Applicants should maintain an overall GPA of 2.5 or better and have a demonstrated interest in civic engagement, community engagement, public policy issues and entrepreneurship. Students interested should apply by the use the following application procedure:
Mervyn Dymally’s work in the United States Senate, House of Representatives and the Pan African community is the driving force that shapes the framework for the Dymally Fellows program. The central aim of the MDAAPEI Dymally Fellows program is to enhance critical thinking of youth to transform them into change agents in their communities, society and the global world. The 2023-2024 academic curriculum will focus on five key principles:
September 9, 2023 - Virtual Orientation: Program Introduction and Review of The Dymally Code of Ethics.
September 30, 2023 - Black Leadership Geared Toward Transforming Lives: Leadership Workshop.
October 28, 2023 - Public Speaking and the Art of Debate
November 18, 2023 - Local Trip
December 9, 2023 - State Trip
January 28, 2024 -Parliamentary Procedures and IMAU Preparation
February 21-February 25, 2024 -International Model African Union Conference, Washington DC.
March 23, 2024 - Financing your Future Now: Understanding Money and Tools for Investing
April 27, 2024 - Health and Wellnes Check In.
May 2024 - Community Service Activity.