Public Discourse

The Mervyn Dymally Institute 5th Annual Millennial and Gen Z Symposium.


The Mervyn Dymally Institute 5th Annual Millennial and Gen Z Symposium.

Date: Wednesday, March 6th
Time: 9am-3pm
Location: Loker Student Union, Ballroom B
Registration QR Code:  

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The Mervyn Dymally Institute's 5th Annual Millennial and Gen Z Symposium is set to explore the contemporary theme of "Defining Wokeness." This year's symposium aims to provide a platform for meaningful discussions and insights into the concept of "wokeness," a term often associated with social awareness and activism. Attendees can expect engaging sessions, panel discussions, and workshops that delve into the various facets of wokeness, including its definition, evolution, and impact on societal norms. The Millennial and Gen Z symposium specifically seeks to empower the younger generations by fostering a deeper understanding of social issues and encouraging active participation in shaping a more inclusive and equitable future. It serves as a dynamic forum for the exchange of ideas, perspectives, and experiences, contributing to the ongoing dialogue around social justice and progressive change.