Chris Cagle

Chris Cagle Headshot

Chris Cagle is the Regional Affairs Manager for the South Bay Workforce Investment Board. His duties include managing the special projects department, grant writing, program design and apprenticeship development. He also serves as the organization's Marketing Director. Chris was instrumental in securing a $12MM Department of Labor grant for apprenticeship development, which was the only award provided to California under that offering. He was also part of the team that created Aero-Flex and Bio-Flex, which are apprenticeship programs for advanced manufacturing. This work resulted in an apprenticeship occupation for Aerospace engineering, which became the first of its kind to be registered in the United States with the U.S. Department of Labor. Chris is frequently a guest speaker on workforce development issues at many community events and was previously a two-term city council member representing the residents of District 2 in Redondo Beach; he holds a master’s degree in Political Science.