Annual Asbestos Notification

A campus-wide survey of materials used in the construction of University buildings and building systems has discovered the presence of asbestos. The most common building materials where asbestos can be found are: ceiling tiles, vinyl floor tiles, sound proofing, and pipe insulation. These asbestos containing materials (ACM) are referenced by location and material type on the list below.

Asbestos poses no threat to your health unless asbestos fibers become airborne due to the materials aging, deterioration, or as the result of damage. Therefore, it is important that proper work practices be followed to minimize the potential for disturbing asbestos containing materials.

2024 Annual Asbestos Notification

If you have any questions, please contact Environmental Health & Safety, at extension 3000.

6 Types of Asbestos

*The 3 main types, however, are chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite.