S.I.R. & L.I.R.

Incident Reports

In the event of a laboratory incident or accident a report will have to be generated. There are two types of reports:

Student Incident Report (S.I.R.)Instructional labsS.I.R. [PDF]
Laboratory Incident Report (L.I.R.)Research labsL.I.R. [PDF]


The Student Incident Report is primarily for incidents or accidents that happened during the instructional teaching. The report must be fill out by the teaching instructor, once completed, the report must then be transferred to one of the instructional technicians of the department. The lead technician would then submit the report through email to:

  • Risk Management
  • EHS - Chemical Hygiene Officer
  • Associate Dean
  • Departments Chair


The Lab Incident Report is primarily for incidents or accidents that happened in research labs. The report must be filled out by the Principal Investigator (P.I.), or if the P.I. was not present, the person running the experiment during the time of incident or accident. Once the report is completed it must be emailed to the following people:

  • Principal Investigator (P.I.), if not present
  • EHS – Chemical Hygiene Officer
  • Associate Dean
  • Department Chair

Once submitted, the Chemical Hygiene Officer will investigate the incident/accident and complete the rest of the report.
Additionally, in the event of an accident involving a CSUDH employee, the supervisor report of injury will need to be completed and sent to Workers Comp.

Instructions to Fill Report

  1. Submit the S.I.R. or L.I.R. report within 30 minutes of the incident or accident.
  2. Fill report with as much as information as possible.
  3. You must fill in the require boxes in the red outlining.
  4. Submit report to the appropriate person (s).
  5. You may include pictures – page 3.
  6. Picture (s) to be included must already be saved onto laptop/desktop.
  7. Click on box to insert image.
  8. A window will open once you click on the box.
  9. EHS may contact you for further inquiry.