Slips, Trips, Falls

Take a walk on the SAFE SIDE

Complete the safety checklist for your work area for a chance to win $25 Amazon gift card!

Slip, trip, and fall accidents are the most common causes of injury on campus, yet they are easily preventable through increased awareness. Being proactive through early identification and correction, these accidents don’t have to be waiting to happen.

To encourage greater awareness and proactive prevention, Environmental Health and Safety invites staff and faculty to complete and submit a Slip, Trip, and Fall Checklist for your work area. As part of this campaign, if you submit the form by October 31, you will be entered into an opportunity drawing for an Amazon gift card. Multiple winners will be selected.

Safety is everybody’s responsibility and together we can ensure a safe campus environment at CSUDH.

*This Microsoft form requires login with CSUDH credentials.

Teddy wants you to be safe!

Have you experienced a slip, trip, or fall on campus? Help us prevent further injuries by reporting your accident to Human Resources or submitting a Work Order to address hazards.