Seminar Topics

Recent Graduate Seminar Topics

English 501: Advanced Studies in Literature

English 530: Seminar in Medieval Literature

Arthur and Robin Hood
Chaucer and his World
Medieval Monsters
Old English and Beowulf

English 535: Seminar in Renaissance Literature

Violence and Pain in Renaissance Tragedy
Renaissance Poetry: Tradition and Innovation
Shakespeare: Body and Mind
Comedy and Community on the Early Modern Stage

English 540: Seminar in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature

Madness and Disease: 1660-1780
Fall Figures: 1674-1798
Race, Gender, and the Rise of Empire
Milton and His Heirs

English 543: Seminar in Romantic Literature

Gothic Terror/Gothic Horror
The "Problem" of Austen
Seeking Justice in Romantic Literature
Romantic Revolutions

English 545: Literary Criticism

English 546: Seminar in Victorian Literature

British Empire in the Victorian Imagination
Questioning Women and the Woman Question
Victorian Science Fiction
Global Victorians
Victorian Anxieties and Aspirations

English 549: Seminar in Modern British Literature

Empire and Environmental Justice
Global Ecologies: Empire and Environmental Justice in Modern Anglophone Literature
Ireland and Empire
Irish Beckett/Irish Drama
Irish Elegies
Modernism and Media
Yeats, Joyce, Beckett

English 552: Seminar in American Literature to 1900

American Gothic
Chants Democratic
Edgar Allan Poe
Melville and Ruthless Democracy
The Slave's Narrative

English 555: Seminar in American Literature after 1900

American Borderlands
American Tragedies
Confidence Men/Women
Faulkner, Morrison, & Memory
L.A. and Other Fiction
Modernism as Equipment for Living
Postmoderns (the 1960s)

English 570: Seminar in Writing

Creative Nonfiction Workshop

English 571: Discourse Analysis

English 575: Teaching of Composition

English 576: History and Theories of Rhetoric

English 577: Current Issues in Rhetoric and Composition

Race, Racism, and Racial Literacy in Writing Studies

English 513: History of the English Language

English 514: American English

English 581: Semantics Pragmatics Discourse

English 582: Seminar in Linguistic Analysis

English 585: Second Language Acquisition

English 585: Teaching Language and Literature in the ESL Context

English 587: Seminar in Current Issues in TESL/Applied Linguistics

Heritage Learners

English 588: Pedagogical Grammar for TESOL