Director, Faculty Development Center
Phone: (310) 243-3148
Marisela R. Chávez, Ph.D., is the Director of the Faculty Development Center at CSU Dominguez Hills, and Professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies. She teaches and researches Chicana/o/x history, politics, and identity; Chicana and women of color feminisms; U.S. social movements; oral history and memory; and Latino/a/x immigration. In 2016, Dr. Chávez was awarded the Lyle E. Gibson Distinguished Teacher Award at CSUDH. She has served the campus in various capacities, including chairing the Chicana and Chicano Studies Department, directing CSUDH’s high-impact practices initiative as an Academic Affairs Administrative Fellow, and coordinating the campus’s first High-Impact Practices Symposium. Dr. Chávez has also been a member of the preliminary selection committee for the Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies since 2013. Her recent publications include “Rooted in Community: Chicana Political Leadership in the United States, a Look at Scholarship and Activism,” in Suffrage at 100: Women in American Politics since 1920 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020); “Triunfos y Tribulaciones/Triumphs and Challenges: An Intersectional Discussion on Chicana Leadership in the Academy,” a co-authored piece in The Tenure-Track Process for Chicana and Latina Faculty: Experiences of Resisting and Persisting in the Academy (Routledge, 2019); and “Refocusing Chicana International Feminism: Photographs, Postmemory, and Political Trauma,” in Chicana Movidas: New Narratives of Activism and Feminism in the Movement Era (University of Texas Press, 2018).