Faculty Orientation

fdc-logo-48x56 Orientation

(Fall 2020 Faculty Orientation is scheduled for August 21st, 2020. Stay tuned for additional details. In the meantime check out this page for resources)

Welcome to CSU, Dominguez Hills! We are pleased you are joining the CSUDH faculty!

You will find our University an exciting, interesting, and rewarding place. Our priority is to provide our students with the highest quality education and we are committed to supporting you in doing so.  The Office of Faculty Affairs and Development and the Faculty Development Center are here to help you accomplish all of your goals. We know that transitioning to a new position can be challenging. We want to provide you with information and resources to get your CSUDH career started on the right foot.

Towards that end, as a new faculty member, you have a number of exciting opportunities ahead of you. To help you through the first semester, we conduct a New Faculty Orientation.  Due to the current situation regarding Covid. The NFO will be held virtually with additional materials to be found on the Faculty Development Center webpage: www.csudh.edu/fdc.  Your orientation will be from 9am-1 pm on August 21. The orientation will include an overview of CSUDH, an introduction to CSUDH students, tips for the effective teaching, information on University Policies and other topics vital to new faculty. You will also have the opportunity to meet with your colleagues. 


1.         Welcome 9:00am-9:05am 

2.         Cheryl Koos, AVP of Faculty Affairs and Development:  9:05am-9:15am 

3.         Ice breaker: 9:15am-10:15 am 

4.         Reza Boroon and Academic Technology Team (Blackboard): 10:15am-10:30am  

5.         10:30am-10:45am Carolyn Caffrey Gardner, Library: 10:30am-10:45am 

6.         10:45am-11:00am Chandra Khan and Brigette Brown, Faculty Research Support: 10:45am 

7.         11:00am-11:15am: Break 

8.         Jackie Teepen , California Faculty Association: 11:15am-11:45am 

9.         Faculty panel Q and A, Monique Turner, Susan Einbinder, Kaitlyn Breiner, Philip Vieira (the best things about working at CSUDH): 11:45am-12:45pm 

10.       Wrap up: 12:45pm-1:00pm 


ZOOM LINK (For the Password: please check your email, or email us at fdc@csudh.edu)


Topic: CSUDH New Faculty Orientation, Aug 21st, 2020  

Time: Aug 3, 2020 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)   

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://csudh.zoom.us/j/97270779977?pwd=K3RHc1FENXBXcFMzOWNoUTQ0WXZaUT09 


Introduction to CSUDH

The mission of the Faculty Development Center is to support the University’s mission of success in education through a student’s contact with faculty members who effectively combine teaching, scholarship, and service and to help create a campus culture that values and supports excellence in teaching, learning, and research.

Learn more about:

Course Design and Student-Centered Learning

Course Design DiagramStudent-Centered Learning

This student-centered perspective is a hallmark of the CSUDH approach to teaching. We strive to empower instructors by helping them develop a deep understanding of how students learn, so that they can effectively apply and adapt teaching strategies to meet their own goals and their students’ needs.

Course Design

Assessments should reveal how well students have learned what we want them to learn while instruction ensures that they learn it. For this to occur, assessments, learning objectives, and instructional activities need to be closely aligned so that they reinforce one another.

Admissions and MY.CSUDH

An Admissions Presentation [PDF] is available; topics covered are:

  • Add/Drop through Census
  • Petitions

Lecturer's Handbook

The Lecturer Handbook is intended for all full-and part-time temporary faculty unit employees. You will find general information on the University policy and procedures, faculty responsibilities, instructional support resources, and many other valuable sources during your employment at CSU Dominguez Hills.

We encourage you to review the handbook as-needed.

New Faculty RTP Pulling the Pieces Together

The Office of Faculty Affairs provides RTP services on the overall management of the RTP process; design and manage the RTP schedule; custodian of all RTP and faculty personnel files; notifications to candidates; and notifications to RTP reviewers.

A review of the Reapointment, Tenure & Promotion (RTP) Review Process, topics include:

  • What is RTP?
  • The Four (4) RTP Cycles
  • Sequence of RTP Review
  • Scholarship Standards
  • Colective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) refernces to Evaluations

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