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CSUDH is a Quality Matters (QM) affiliated campus which is part of the CSU Online Services program.
CSUDH is currently a Quality Matters (QM) affiliated campus which is part of the CSU Online Course Services program. QM is a standard that is nationally as well as internationally recognized. Through the CSU system, QM is sponsored by the Chancellor’s Office (CO). This standard provides a uniform framework used by the CSU system to improve the quality of Online and Hybrid courses.
Quality Matters ™ offers the following workshops and trainings. Please see the Courses section of the CSU Online Course Services site for more information.
CSU Online Course Services has established a process for “Formal Course Review Certifications” of fully online and hybrid courses across the 23-campus system. Course certifications are conducted using the CSU Quality Learning & Teaching (QLT) Rubric or the Quality Matters (QM) Rubric.
CSUDH is an official Quality Matters campus. This allows faculty to have their courses certified through the nationally recognized Quality Matters rubric.
The Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT; formerly QOLT) Program was developed to assist faculty, faculty developers, and instructional designers to more effectively design and deliver online, blended, and flipped courses.
The QLT Program offers the following courses. Please see the Courses section of the CSU Online Course Services site for more information.