Student Housing Building

The Student Housing Phase III Project will construct a 504-bed complex of dormitory-style student housing. The new student housing (93,607 GSF) complex includes a 4-Story Residence Building and a 1-Story Commons Building. The Residence Building shall include double, triple and quadruple bedrooms, shared restrooms, private bedrooms for eleven (11) Resident Assistants, a laundry room, study rooms, several small and large lounges, and a two-bedroom apartment for the Residential Coordinator. The Commons Building shall include administrative offices, lounge and multi-purpose (active) space, mail/package delivery room, vending area, a convenience store, common restrooms, study room (passive) for small groups, and other miscellaneous support spaces such as trash/recycling pickup.  

The new project will be located south of International Avenue, west of Birchknoll Drive, and north of the existing main central plant (Building I.D. No. 87)/Unity Drive.  

Site improvements shall include landscaping, exterior lighting, building and wayfinding signage, visitor/temporary parking, pick-up/drop-off zones, fire lanes, access for trash collection, an outdoor semi-shaded seating area, semi-shaded bicycle racks, and a barbeque/picnic area.

The entire project shall be designed and constructed to achieve, at a minimum, a LEED “Silver” equivalent rating for energy and environmental performance.

Environmental/Logistical Impacts to the Campus Community

Construction Work Activities

Construction Site Plan

What's Required of Me?

Please be aware of construction activities east of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) and the Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) buildings. Pedestrian access to/from the campus will not be impacted. Please always watch for construction traffic on Birchknoll Drive between International Avenue and Unity Drive.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this project, please contact Stephen Chamberlain, Senior Project Manager, at (310) 243-3344, or send him an e-mail at

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during the construction of this major capital outlay project designed to advance the mission of CSUDH.