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The California State University is an entity that employs federal lobbyists and is registered as such under the Lobbying Disclosure Act. Therefore, the CSU and all CSU employees are subject to a detailed and complicated set of restrictions when it comes to providing gifts and travel to members of Congress or Congressional staff. These limitations can be found in the ethics rules of the House and Senate. This CSU Guidance Sheet [PDF] provides summary information and basic guidance about those rules.
Executive branch employees are also subject to gift restrictions. By Executive Order of the President, federal political appointees are subject to more stringent limitations. Compliance with the rules is essential; knowing violation of these rules can lead to civil or criminal penalties. Any questions about their applicability should be directed to Jim Gelb or George Conant in the CSU Office of Federal Relations. Both can be reached by phone at (202) 434-8060.
The California State University is registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act as an organization that employs in-house lobbyists. Therefore, the CSU must file: (a) quarterly "lobbying activities" reports; and (b) semi-annual "reports of certain contributions." The links below provide detailed information about those reports.