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SRC is an event honoring our students and faculty mentors in their pursuit of outstanding research, scholarship and creative activity. SRC also supports the goals of our University by continuing to encourage student involvement in research and scholarly activity as an essential part of their learning experience. SRC is organized as a professional conference and celebrates a wide array of research disciplines in which our students and faculty are involved.
SRC 2025 will take place Tuesday, March 4 through Thursday, March 6. Abstract Application Submissions are now [Closed]
The 2023 Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR) will be hosted in-person by California State University, Fullerton on Saturday, November 18th and the Office of Undergraduate Research is offering conference awards that will cover the registration fee, transportation, and poster printing for CSUDH student attendees/presenter (until funds are exhausted) To apply for funding, complete the OUR SCCUR Award Application Form by or before Friday, October 20th (no exceptions). The sooner the better as funds are limited!
Undergraduate students who wish to present their faculty-mentored research, scholarship, and creative activities at SCCUR must complete the on-line abstract submission form. Abstracts are reviewed by faculty from appropriate disciplines and accepted, returned for revision, or declined. Students, before submitting your abstract for SCCUR 2023, it is important to consult with your faculty mentor. All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference program and website.
Abstract Early Review Deadline: Monday, September 25, 2023, 11:59 pm
Abstract Final Deadline: Monday, October 9, 2023, 11:59 pm
The OUR will provide free poster printing for all CSUDH presenters funded under this award. Poster files (PPT and PDF) must be submitted to by or before Monday, November 13, 2023. Be sure to work with your faculty mentor for guidance and final approval to ensure your poster is ready for printing by the deadline. View and download the CSUDH POSTER PRESENTATION TEMPLATE [PPT]
For more information regarding the SCCUR award please contact the OUR at or call (310) 243-3392. For general information about the SCCUR conference, please contact the organizing team at or visit the conference website.