Program Description

Fall 2024 Schedule

The Higher Education Administration and Leadership (HEAL) Graduate Certificate Program is supported through the teaching/learning of four (4) 3-unit courses completed over one year (two academic semesters).  Two courses are taught in fall and two courses are taught in spring:

Fall 2024

GED 550: Higher Education Leadership (3 units)
GED 551: Legal Issues in Higher Education (3 units)

Spring 2025

GED 552: Higher Education Finance (3 units)
GED 553: Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education (3 units)

During Fall Semester 2024, 11 sessions will be taken with independent learning and Discussions on Canvas and each month there will be one live online zoom session for each course. For both the Fall 2024 GED 550: Leadership in Higher Education course and GED 551: Legal Issues in Higher Education Course, the Live Zoom Sessions will take place once per month from 5pm - 7:45pm.

The following live zoom dates are scheduled for Fall 2024

GED 550: Higher Education Leadership: Tuesdays, from 5:00pm - 7:45pm on the following dates

  • August 27th
  • September 17th
  • October 8th
  • November 5th
  • December 3rd

GED 551: Legal Issues in Higher Education: Tuesdays, from 5:00pm - 7:45pm on the following dates

  • September 3rd
  • September 24th
  • October 15th
  • November 12th
  • December 10th