

Our vision is that graduates are Scholars, Practitioners, Activists who are characterized by leadership, compassion, ethics and service as globally conscious citizens in public health.

We aspire to promote universal human rights to optimum health characterized by physical, psychological, social, and environmental well-being.


Social Justice: We offer a profound education consistent with the science of public health principles. Such principles include the art of practice of public health initiatives based on the fundamental themes of access, diversity, inclusion and equity. These principles form the foundation of an inclusive and nurturing learning process that promotes advocacy for the common good as well as social justice and ecological sustainability.

Service: We facilitate quality service to a multicultural community of students, faculty, staff and to our community-at-large. We support the professional development of our students for employability in the health care industry and promotion of health locally, nationally, and internationally. We subscribe to the Institute of Medicine's definition of public health in its 1988 major report as: “The fulfillment of the society’s interest in assuring the conditions in which people can be healthy.”

Global Commitment: We subscribe to the World Health Organization’s edict “Health is a right and not a privilege” that marked the 2019 World Health Day. Furthermore, we support the Constitution of the World Health Organization in its declaration that “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition”.

Equity: We create a welcoming opportunity for students to thrive in an environment that strives to be free of any harassment and discrimination based upon an individual’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, marital status , sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status, or any other classifications protected by law or shared values, so that all members of our community are treated at all times with dignity and respect."


The School of Public Health and Health Sciences programs are designed to:

Strengthen students' intellectual capacities and abilities to develop and mobilize human and institutional resources and services to meet the health needs of diverse individuals and populations, as well as the communities in which they reside.

Educate students in developing and implementing evidence-based assessment and intervention models that improve the biopsychosocial health of diverse individuals and populations, as well as the communities in which they reside.

Prepare scholar-practitioners to engage in multidisciplinary scientific inquiry that advances the knowledge base of research and practice in the health disciplines.

Prepare graduates who will be leaders in their fields and professions to inform and influence professional dialogues on key health issues affecting diverse individuals and populations, as well as the communities in which they reside.

Prepare scholar-activists who – with global consciousness and ecosystemic perspectives – are committed to attaining health equity and collective well-being through the promotion of human development, universal human rights, and social justice.

Program Learning Objectives

During the course of study, students will acquire the foundational knowledge and skills required for success in various health professions including healthcare management, community health and radiologic technology,  as well as entry into graduate-level academic programs. Upon completion of the degree, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate competency in the application of communication and information technologies to discipline specific issues.

  2. Demonstrate proficiency in written and oral communication skills at a level commensurate with the standards of entry-level performance in the discipline.

  3. Apply communication theories to developing and implementing change strategies for targeted groups and populations.

  4. Apply theory to practice in research, planning, development, implementation, assessment, decision-making, and policy.

  5. Develop critical thinking and analytic skills through the logical design and systematic application of quantitative and qualitative approaches to planning and problem-solving.

  6. Demonstrate an understanding of professionalism and leadership qualities, through observation and self-reflection that are in keeping with acceptable moral, ethical, and legal principles.

  7. Analyze and address health issues and policies based on an integrated interdisciplinary approach, including the natural, behavioral, social and health sciences, and the humanities.

  8. Synthesize and apply knowledge from the natural, behavioral, social and health sciences, and humanities in addressing health issues from proactive and problem-solving perspectives.

  9. Apply theory to practice as change agents for the advancement of health, well-being, and social justice among diverse individuals, groups, and populations locally and globally.

  10. Demonstrate cultural competence in addressing health disparities among diverse populations in urban and rural settings locally and globally.