Wellness Learnings

Thriving Thursday with Kaiser Permanente

Health and well-being are more than the absence of illness. Physical, mental, and spiritual health is important to be the best we can be each day. Join us as we mindfully practice strategies to achieve balance and improve our well-being.

Please be sure to check back for any new updates. 

Register here or scan QR below to register for Thriving Thursday webinars. After registering, you will receive a thank you email from Event-on-24 confirming your registration and information about joining the webinar. This webinar will be recorded by Kaiser Permanente.





Managing Your Weight

On Demand

VirtualSuccessful weight management is more than just cutting calories. Today's webinar invites you to discover how setting realistic goals, coming up with an action plan and practicing new skills over time will help you gain confidence to manage your weight successfully.

Taking Care of Your Heart

On Demand

VirtualThe heart is the hardest working muscle in the body. In today's webinar, you will learn about heart disease and identify associated risk factors. The Mediterranean and plant based meal plans will be highlighted in relationship to keeping your heart healthy. You will be invited to create a realistic heart-healthy action plan, using your personal strengths to keep your heart healthy for life.

Refresh, Renew, Repair Yoga

March 14, 2024

VirtualThis class will make you feel like you’ve had a mini retreat. You will utilize your desk or workspace to practice restorative yoga to stretch and lengthen the spine and body, increase blood flow, and release tension. You will learn about the benefits of yoga and resources for how you can include it even in the middle of a busy workday.
Intergenerational CaregivingApril 18, 2024

Life brings many challenges when it comes to juggling work, raising a family and caregiving for an elderly family member. In today's webinar, you will explore some of the challenges related to meeting the needs of multiple generations and you will brainstorm creative solutions. You will be invited to create a realistic action plan, using your personal strengths to help care for yourself and your family.

Emotional Well-BeingMay 16, 2024

Emotions affect how you see yourself, the world and how you deal with stress. Emotions can also affect you physically. In today's webinar, you will learn strategies to help you tune into your emotions and identify self-care practices for managing your mood and stress in a positive way. You will be invited to create a realistic action plan, using your personal strengths to improve your emotional well-being.

Men's HealthJune 13, 2024

Preventative care includes simple but important choices every man can make for himself and his family to live a longer and healthier life. In today's webinar, you will explore what makes men’s health unique, identify strategies to maintain up to date screenings and discover self-care tools. You will be invited to create a realistic action plan that will help you take positive steps towards taking control of your health.

Sun SafetyJuly 11, 2024

Most people are aware of the dangers of too much time in the sun. In today's webinar, you will learn about ultraviolet rays and what you can do to prevent sun damage. You will also be able to identify the signs of heat-related illness and ways to cool down. You will be invited to create a realistic action plan that will help you take positive steps toward avoiding heat related illness.

Moving From Burnout to BrillianceAugust 15, 2024

Finding a healthy pace at work and at home is more important than ever to avoid burnout. Discover how workplace culture, connection, practicing compassion and taking small steps to practice self care can reduce burnout and help increase motivation, feel purposeful, passion-driven and engaged.

Why Sleep MattersSeptember 12, 2024

New research is helping us understand the connection between quality sleep and overall health and well-being. In today's webinar, you will learn simple and effective tools to improve your ability to rest, relax, and sleep. You will be invited to create a realistic action plan, using your personal strengths to improve overall sleep.

Women's Health

October 17, 2024
VirtualPreventative care includes simple but important choices every woman can make for herself and her family to live a longer and healthier life. In today's webinar, you will explore preventative steps that women can take to enjoy good health. Risk factors and screening recommendations specific to women will be reviewed. You will be invited to create a realistic action plan that will help you take positive steps towards taking control of your health.

The Keys to Preventing Diabetes

November 14, 2024

One out of three people have prediabetes and some may not know it. The good news is the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes can be managed by taking a few small steps. In today's webinar, you will learn about the five keys to preventing diabetes: eating healthy, getting active, quitting tobacco, managing stress, and sleeping well. You will be invited to create a realistic action plan that will help you take positive steps towards taking control of your health.

Healthy Celebrations

December 5, 2024
Good health is a big defense against holiday stress. Eating right and staying active will help you feel good and energized so you can enjoy the season. In today's webinar ideas and resources related to creating healthy menus, maintaining fitness, and addressing increased stress during holidays will be explored. Participants will be invited to create a realistic action plan, using their personal strengths to thrive during the holidays.

Medicare 101 with Kaiser Permanente

Monthly online workshops available for employees and retirees regarding Medicare and retirement. Led by Kaiser Permanente’s Retiree Solutions Manager, learn about:

  • When and how to enroll in Medicare
  • How Medicare works with the CalPERS health plans
  • How your coverage can change when you retire
  • What to do if you plan to keep working after age 65
  • Open Q & A about the Medicare process

Register here or scan QR below to register for this Medicare 101 webinars. After registering, you will receive a thank you email from Event-on-24 confirming your registration and information about joining the webinar. This webinar will be recorded by Kaiser Permanente.