Latest News
CSUDH Student Psychological Services
Free telehealth (telephone and/or video conferencing) therapy for CSUDH students.
Worried about a student? Refer them to the CARE team.
CSUDH Center for Advocacy, Prevention, and Empowerment (CAPE)
Past or present trauma or experiences with sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking may become more difficult to cope while taking classes remotely. Free, confidential remote CAPE Advocacy is available for students to process incidents during this time and any time.
In support of the CSU Basic Needs Initiative, CSUDH Basic Needs Program connects students with food, housing, financial resources and services.
Apply for an emergency grant of $250 to $1,000 for CSUDH students who would otherwise find it difficult to continue their education.
To help Cal State students in need during this critical time, visit the link above & look for the ‘donate’ option. You can also support a student food pantry to have essential items shipped directly to a CSU campus.
(24-hour) (800) 273-8255
(24-hour) text HOME to 741741 or Lifeline Crisis Online Chat at
Focusing on the LGBTQ+ community (24-hour) (866)-488-7386 or text START to 678-678
Resources for Coping with COVID-19
24-hour crisis line (800) 854-7771. LACDMH provides helpful resources for coping with anxiety and stress during the pandemic. The site also lists various resources for families, parents, children, healthcare providers, and community and peer support.
Online Virtual Support Circles
The Leader Self-Care Project is hosting a series of online virtual support circles to give workers in industries on the frontlines confronting the pandemic a safe space in which to share their experiences with peers along with strategies for survival and self-care. If you are a healthcare, grocery store, janitor/sanitation, warehouse, or transportation worker, email to register.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
National Helpline (800-662-HELP)
Link above leads to tip sheet that provides information for taking care of behavioral health during times of social distancing, quarantine, and isolation
Provides immediate crisis counseling for people experiencing emotional distress relating to natural/human-caused disaster
Online Intergroup of AA Meetings
Includes links to various websites and apps for virtual AA meetings to respond to suspensions in in-person meetings.
Taking Care of Your Emotional Health
CDC provides general guidelines for coping with stress, anxiety, and grief during emergencies like COVID-19.
OC-Links - Information and Referral Line
(855)-OC-Links (855-625-4657)
The number above provides telephone and online support for individuals seeking information or linkage to behavioral health services
AMR Therapy is offering sliding scale mental health therapy and 30-minute phone sessions for donation only. AMR is operated by licensed professionals donating their time and expertise to whatever you are able to afford.