Responding to a Medical Emergency

Workers' Compensation

Responding to a Medical Emergency

In the event of a medical emergency, call 911 from any phone on campus to contact University Police. Tell the dispatcher where you are and answer any other questions they might have. The campus police dispatcher will send the appropriate personnel.

Some examples of a medical emergency are: excessive bleeding, broken bones, loss of consciousness, or severe chest pains. When in doubt about the severity of a medical emergency, always dial 911 from any phone to contact the police.

Employees in these situations often minimize the extent of their injury or try to refuse treatment. Be firm in requiring a medical evaluation. Do not allow employees in these situations to leave campus until University Police have responded. Please wait to complete any injury/illness reporting forms until after the emergency has been resolved.

Important OSHA Requirements

Supervisors MUST remember to report to Human Resources Management and RM/EHOS all work-related deaths and serious injuries or illnesses immediately but no later than eight (8) hours after the supervisor knows, or with diligent inquiry would have known of the death or serious injury or illness of the employee. Reporting delays could result in Cal/OSHA fines.

A serious injury or illness is one that requires inpatient hospitalization in which the employee is admitted for a work related injury/illness for reasons which included however are not limited to the following:

  • A loss of an eye
  • An amputation of a body part
  • A serious degree of permanent disfigurement.
  • An exposure of an employee to a hazardous substance in a degree or amount sufficient to create a realistic possibility that death or serious physical harm in the future could result from the actual hazard created by the exposure.