Each spring, the Labor, Social and Environmental Justice Club, along with the students of LBR 495, the Labor Studies Practicum, plan and create the most important social justice event at CSUDH of the year. Scroll down for information and archival materials from past years, and check back in spring 2020 for information about this year’s fair.
11th Annual Labor Studies Fair, 2019

Organizational Participants
- 9 to 5 Working Women
- Anti-Racist Action-Los Angeles
- Asian American Advancing Justice Los Angeles
- Asian American Drug Abuse Program (AADAP Inc.)
- CSUDH Urban Farm, Environmental Studies, Sustainability Club
- Department of History, His 369 (Modern Mexican History)
- History 490 Senior Seminar
- Department of Social Work MSW 511
- Division of Apprenticeship Standards, State of California
- F.A.I.T.H Ministry
- Filipino Migrant Center
- Health Care for All - Los Angeles Chapter
- Helps
- IATSE Local 44
- IBEW/Neca N2P Electrical Training Institute
- Labor Commissioner's Office
- Los Angeles Union Cooperative Initiative
- Mentoring Adolescents for Personal and Professional Success (MAPPS)
- SEIU Local 721
- So Cal Reinforcing Workers for Justice
- Students For Quality Education
- Teamster Local 2010
- UFCW Local 324
- UNITE Here Local 11
We want to thank our generous union supporters of the Labor, Social and Environmental Justice Fair. Here's a list of our donors:
- California Faculty Association, DH Chapter
- California Faculty Association, Statewide
- California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
- International Association of Television and Stage Employees
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- International Longshore Workers Union, Local 13
- International Longshore Workers Union, So. Cal Pensioners
- Los Angeles County Federation of Labor
- Nancy and Eddie Alexander
- Service Employees International Union, Local 721
- Teamsters, Local 2010
- Teamsters, Local 399
- United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 324
- United Steelworkers, Local 675