Program Description

Liberal Studies Program Learning Outcomes

  • PLO 1: Acquire and reflect on knowledge and skills related to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing content standards for a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Standards.
  • PLO 2: Develop the ability to critically analyze educational research as it related to educational equity for diverse learners. WSUCU Core Competencies (CC) Quantitative Reasoning and Critical Thinking.
  • PLO 3: Exhibits effective communication in oral and written forms in a variety of contexts. WSUCU Core Competencies (CC) Oral Communication.
  • PLO 4: Demonstrate professional dispositions that reflect a commitment to promote social justice and educational equity in diverse communities.
  • PLO 5: Develop foundational critical pedagogical approaches through activities like continuous inquiry, field experiences, reflection, and action.
  • PLO 6: Make use of technological and informational literacies for personal academic growth and for facilitating learning in the elementary classroom. WSUCU Core Competencies (CC) Informational Literacy

Overall Program Structure

The major consists of two parts:

  1. Core Course Requirements. Students take specific courses in each of five areas: Language and Literature; Mathematics and Science; History and Social Science; Visual and Performing Arts; and Professional Development. These specific courses provide the subject matter background for elementary and special education teachers.

  2. Option or Depth of Study Course Requirements. Students study a subject area within the major in depth and may choose any approved option. (Integrated Option also requires Depth of Study).

Career Possibilities

Liberal Studies is the preferred undergraduate major for students preparing to teach elementary or special education.

Core Course Requirements

Classes that can be taken at the community college level or at CSUDH
Course Name# Units
ANT 102/HIS 120 (Ancient Civilizations)3
ART 100 or THE 100 or DAN 130 or MUS 101 (LD Visual & Performing Arts)3
BIO 102 (General Biology Lecture)3
BIO 103 (General Biology Lab1
LBS 205 (Child/Adolescent Development)3
LBS 212 (Service Learning in Urban Elementary Schools)3
MAT 107 (Math for Elem. Teachers/Real Numbers)3
MAT 207 (Math for Elem. Teachers/Geometry & Statistics)4
Count 8Sum 23

Semester 1

Course Name# UnitsNotes
LBS 203 (Intro to Teaching: Becoming a Transformative Educator) 13
Upper division Visual and Performing Arts (UD VPA)3
ENG 305 (Critical Reading of Literature)3
LBS 375 (California Experience)3
PHY 300/300L (Physical Science for Teachers)3
Count 5Sum 15

Semester 2

Course Name# UnitsNotes
LBS 370 or 301 (Schooling in a Multicultural Society)5LBS 301 (3 units) pre-spring 2022
HIS 354 (UD G.E. F3 - Studies in Social Science)3
ENG 308 (UD G.E. F1 & major requirement) - Analysis of Children's Lit3
EAR 416 (UD G.E. & major requirement - Earth Science for Teachers)4
Option Course #13
Count 5Sum 17

Semester 3

Course Name# UnitsNotes
LBS 302 (Responsive Teaching & Classroom Management) 43
LBS 303 (Teaching & Learning in Diverse Classrooms)3pre-spring 2022
KIN 425 (Physical Education in the Elementary School)3
ENG 487 (Second Lang. Teach & Learn) or ANT 312 (Lang. & Culture)3
Option Course #23
Count 5Sum 15

Semester 4

Course Name# UnitsNotes
LBS 400 (Senior Seminar in Liberal Studies)3
LBS 405 (Engineering & the Arts in the Elementary Classroom)3
TED 407 (Languages in Praxis)3
SPE 480 (Educating Exceptional Children and Youth)3
Option Course #33
Count 5Sum 15

Option or Depth of Study Course Requirements

Courses followed by an asterisk (*) may be used to satisfy both a Liberal Studies Core requirement as well as satisfy a course requirement in the Option area. (Three units will be the maximum units earned for the course even if the course is used in the Core and Option areas.) All options must be a total of at least 12 units and at least four courses. Please be aware, a few of the Options may take additional time to complete. Required courses may not be offered every semester. Contact the appropriate department to inquire when a course or courses will be offered and plan your class schedule accordingly.

Anthropology Option (12 units)

Ethnology Required Course (3 Units)

  • ANT 312 Language and Culture (3) (*)

Ethnography:  select one (3 units)

  • ANT 341 Folklore (3)
  • ANT 370 Peoples of the Old World (3)

Ancient Civilizations and Prehistory:  select one (3 units)

  • ANT 333 Ancient Peoples of Mexico and Guatemala (3)
  • ANT 351 Prehistory of the Americas (3)

Research Methods:  select one (3 units)

  • ANT 313 Methods and Techniques of Archaeology (3)
  • ANT 375 Ethnographic Methods and Techniques (3)
Art Option (12 units)

Required Course (3 units)

  • ART 100 Looking at Art (3) (*)

Select three of the following courses (9 units)

  • ART 150 Ceramics I (3)
  • ART 179 Drawing I (3)
  • ART 180 Painting I (3)
  • ART 190 Sculpture I (3)
Dance Option (12 units)
  • DAN 210 Ballet I (2)
  • DAN 220 Modern Dance I (2)
  • DAN 330 Beginning Choreography I (2)
  • DAN 355 History of Dance (3)
  • DAN 440 Dance for Children (3) (*)
Early Learning and Teaching Option (12 units)

Required courses (12 units)

  • LBS 205 Child and Adolescent Development (3)/PSY 350 Child Psychology (3)(*)
  • LBS 310 Early Language and Learning (3)
  • LBS 330 Bridging Cultures through Language and Learning (3)
  • LBS 340 Learning Early Mathematical Concepts and Reasoning (3)
English Language and Linguistics Option (12 units)
  • ENG 317 Sociolinguistics: Black English (3)
  • ENG 311 Phonology (3)
  • ENG 414 American English (3)
  • ENG 487 Introduction to Second Language Learning and Teaching (3) (*)
Human Development Option (12 units)

Required courses (6 units)

  • LBS 205 Child and Adolescent Development (3)/PSY 350 Child Psychology (3)(*)
  • SOC 322 Social Environment of Education (3)

Select one (3 units)

  • PSY 351 Psychology of Adolescent Experience (3)
  • PSY 382 Psychological Development of the Black Child (3)

Select one (3 units)

  • SOC 369 Theories of Personality (3) or
  • SOC 321 Sociology of Education (3)
  • BIO 380 Biology of Childhood and Adolescence (3)
Literature Option (12 units)
  • ENG 305 Critical Reading of Literature (3) (*)
  • ENG 306 Backgrounds of Western Literature (3)
  • ENG 325 Poetry (3)
  • ENG 341 American Literature:  1865-Present (3)
Mathematics Option (13-16 units)

Required courses (8 units)

  • MAT 207 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers: Geometry (4) (*)
  • MAT 153 College Algebra and Trigonometry (4)

Select two courses (6 units)

  • MAT 131 Elementary Statistics and Probability (3)
  • MAT 143 Problem Solving in Mathematics (3)
  • MAT 307 Foundations of Middle School Mathematics I (3)
Natural Science Option (14 units)

Required courses (8 units)

  • PHY 300/300L Physical Science for Teachers (4)(*)
  • CHE 102 Chemistry for the Citizen (3)
  • CHE 103L Chemistry Laboratory for the Citizen (1)

Select one course (3 units)

  • BIO 254 Human Biology (3)
  • BIO 336 Environmental Biology (3)

Select one course (3 units)

  • EAR 100 Physical Geology (3)
  • GEO 315 Meteorology (3)
Physical Education Option (12 units)

Required courses (8 units)

  • KIN 305 Motor Learning (3)
  • KIN 425 Physical Education in the Elementary School (3) (*)
  • KIN 426 Directed Teaching in Elementary Physical Education (2)

Select two courses (2 units)

  • KIN 111 Aerobics (1)
  • KIN 113 Social and Folk Dance (1)
  • KIN 132 Gymnastics (1)

Select two courses (2 units)

  • KIN Basketball (1)
  • KIN 150 Soccer (1)
  • KIN 152 Softball (1)
  • KIN 164 Volleyball (1)
Spanish Option (12 units)

Students who have completed some high school or community college Spanish and who pass a proficiency test will be placed in the appropriate level of coursework.  Prerequisite course completion may be necessary to satisfy competency before enrolling in upper division Option course requirements.  Consult the Modern Languages Department for details at 310-243-3315.

Required Courses (9-12 units)

  • SPA 280 Grammar for Spanish Composition (3)
  • SPA 341 Advanced Conversation (3)
  • SPA 351 Contemporary Hispanic Culture: Spanish-Speaking America (3)
  • SPA 311 Structure of Spanish (3)(*)
Theatre Arts Option (12 units)

Required courses (6 units)

  • THE 337 Creative Dramatics (3)(*)
  • THE 339 Multicultural Children's Theatre (3)

Select two courses (6 units)

  • THE 320 Speech Skills and Techniques (3)
  • THE 346 Theatre Workshop (1-2)
  • THE 353 Playwriting (3)
  • THE 355 World Theatre I (3)
  • THE 357 World Theatre II (3)