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The Math Teachers' Circle at CSUDH brings together university faculty and K-12 educators to explore mathematical topics and supporting students' achievements.
The CSUDH Math Colloquium covers a wide range of topics in mathematics and is open to students and faculty.
The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) at CSUDH is part of a statewide and national effort to broaden the participation in science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM) disciplines among individuals who have faced or face social, educational or economic barriers to careers in STEM.
Not sure where your math degree will take you? Visit the sites below to learn more about the many possibilities for your future.
To teach math at a public high school in California, you need a California teaching credential. A teaching credential is a license to teach. To earn a teaching credential you need to do the following.
The best way to ensure that you are prepared to teach math is to complete an approved Subject Matter Preparation Program at an accredited college or university. The Mathematics Education Option in the Mathematics Major at CSUDH is an approved subject matter preparation program.
You may earn your bachelor's degree and satisfy the requirements for subject matter preparation at the same time by completing the Mathematics Education Option of the math major at CSUDH with a grade of at least a C in every course. If you already hold bachelor's degrees in math or in another subject you may also satisfy the requirements for subject matter preparation by enrolling in a second baccalaureate program at CSUDH and completing the Math Education Option.
If you already hold a bachelor's degree, you have another option. Instead of completing an approved subject matter preparation program you may satisfy the subject matter requirement by passing the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET). The Mathematics Department does not recommend this option because we believe that the test does not (and cannot) cover the full range of mathematical knowledge that a good teacher needs to have. We owe it to our children to make sure that our teachers are strong so they can improve the quality of education in California. However if your mathematical background is strong you may choose to take the CSET test. For more information about the CSET see the link at the top of this page.
At CSUDH the Mathematics Department is responsible for subject matter preparation and the Teacher Education department is responsible for instruction in pedagogy, fieldwork, and the teacher credential. Please refer to the CalStateTEACH website for more information about teacher credentials.
The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) advances mathematics at the undergraduate level.
The American Mathematical Society provides access to research, opportunities for networking, conferences, and events.
Some YouTube Math Channels.
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The Preparing Undergraduate Mathematicians for Ph.D.s (PUMP) Journal of Undergraduate Research publishes articles written by undergraduate students that want to pursue doctoral studies in the Mathematical Sciences.