Arpine Vardazaryan

Arpine Vardazaryan

Languages have always been at the heart of Professor Arpine Vardazaryan's academic pursuits, with French holding a particularly special place. Born in Armenia, she had the unique opportunity to attend a school built by the French government, where she began learning French in first grade. By seventh grade, she had been accepted into a prestigious French lycée, further cementing her passion for the language.

Upon completing high school, Professor Vardazaryan pursued a Bachelor's degree in French and English at Yerevan State University of Languages. Her academic journey then took her across the globe to California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) in 2010, where she enrolled in the Master's program in French. While working towards her Master's degree, she began teaching French at CSULB.

After graduating with a Master's in French and Francophone Studies, Professor Vardazaryan continued to share her love for the French language by teaching a range of courses, from elementary to advanced levels, at CSULB. Her expertise also extends to other institutions, as she currently teaches at El Camino Community College and the Language Training Center. Professor Vardazaryan is currently fluent in four languages: Armenian, French, English, and Russian. She aspires to expand her linguistic repertoire by acquiring proficiency in Spanish.