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The Spanish major provides students with two options: Literature or Linguistics. These options prepare students who intend to go on to graduate school to study Spanish Linguistics, Romance Linguistics, Latin American Literature and Iberian Literature. These options are also designed for students who plan to teach Spanish in high schools. A Minor in Spanish is also offered, which is particularly useful to students majoring in business, in the public service fields, or in any other field where knowledge of another language is desirable.
The Department of Modern Languages is eager to provide all its students with the advisement they will need to complete their studies in a foreign language. Students must see an advisor upon admission, upon completion of 60 semester units, and during the first semester of the senior year.
High school students who plan to study Spanish are encouraged to take at least two years of Spanish. Students who have taken AP Spanish, French, or Japanese may receive credit for some lower-division courses. Community college transfer students planning to take upper-division Spanish courses should have completed four semesters of college-level Spanish successfully. Those having taken fewer than four semesters of Spanish in a community college will be placed at an appropriate level by advisement
Membership in our Nu Psi Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the Spanish National Honorary Society, requires students to complete at least 18 upper-division units in Spanish (with at least 1 upper-division course in literature/culture). Applicants must have an overall 3.2 GPA, and a 3.0 GPA in all Spanish courses. Students interested in applying should consult the chair of the Department of Modern Languages.
A student may graduate with honors in the Spanish BA provided that the following criteria are met:
1. A minimum of 36 units in residence at CSU Dominguez Hills
2. A minimum GPA of at least 3.5 in all courses used to satisfy the upper-division requirements in the major
3. Recommendation by department faculty member