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This course covers the significant revisions of the EM 385-1-1 manual. The course focuses on learning how to navigate the new format of the manual; requirements for new projects and Site Safety Health Officers (SSHO) levels. Emphasis will be placed on government and contractor responsibilities. The new EM 385-1-1 is scheduled to become effective 1 January 2024.
This course is designed for contractors (project managers, superintendents, quality assurance/control), consultants, government employees, SSHOs, Collateral Duty Safety Officers (CDSOs) and all personnel required to comply with the safety and health regulations of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
This course was developed in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Long Beach Chapter.
CEUs: 4.0
Prerequisites: None
Course Length: 5 days
Recommended Materials: Pen, pencil, highlighter and writing pad
It is important that students review the system and equipment requirements listed below to be successful in a video conferencing course.