College of Health, Human Services and Nursing
Department of Occupational Therapy
OTD Program Coordinator/Professor
Doctor of Philosophy - Rehabilitation Sciences. 2003. University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, Buffalo, NY
Post-Professional Master of Science - Occupational Therapy in Early intervention/School-based practice. 1999. University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, Buffalo, NY
Bachelor of Science - Occupational Therapy. 1994. Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
Associate of Arts - Hospital Administration. 1991. Yuanpei University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
Dr. Hwang became an occupational therapist in 1994. Over the decades, he has worked in a wide range of settings including pediatrics, mental health, neurological rehab, education, and community health. Recently, his clinical practice has focused on community settings serving clients with chronic psychiatric disorders and older adults with chronic conditions and dementia.
Professor - Department of Occupational Therapy. 2016 Aug. - Present, California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA
Associate Professor - Department of Occupational Therapy. 2011-2016, California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA
Assistant Professor - Department of Occupational Therapy. 2005-2011, California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA
Assistant Professor - Department of Occupational Therapy. 2003-2005 York College, the City University of New York, Jamaica, NY
Teaching Assistant - Department of Occupational Therapy. 1997-2002 University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, Buffalo, NY
Research Assistant - Department of Occupational Therapy. 1999-2000 University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, Buffalo, NY
Dr. Hwang’s scholarship agenda spans discovery, application and teaching. As the program coordinator for the newly established OTD program, Dr. Hwang has been instrumental in curriculum development. His teaching interest includes OT theories, clinical assessments, research methodology and capstone projects. His research trajectory aims at occupation-based health promotion and lifestyle measurement. Dr. Hwang and Dr. Terry Peralta-Catipon developed and validated a set of lifestyle evaluation/intervention tools for older adults: Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) and Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile - Screening Form (HELP-Screener), and Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) & HELP-Screener: Guide for Clinicians. These tools enable clinicians who work with older clients in community settings to screen and monitor the clients' varying occupational and lifestyle behaviors, implement healthy lifestyle interventions and develop community-based HELP programs. Noteworthily, scholars, researchers and clinicians in many countries have translated and culturally adapted the HELP tools into various language/cultural versions such as HELP-Spanish, HELP-Korean, HELP-Taiwanese, HELP-Thai, HELP-Turkish, and HELP-Japanese. A series of psychometric and clinical studies on the HELP tools can be found in several major occupational therapy journals. The following hyperlinks provides access to the three HELP clinical tools for practitioners, educators and researchers who are interested in using these tools.
Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile Screening Form (HELP-Screener)-2016.pdf
Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP)-2016.pdf
Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP)-Guide for Clinicians-2016.pdf
- Lee, H.-L., Hwang, E.J., Wu, S.-L., & Hsu, W.-C. (in press). Appraising Psychiatric Care from a Different Angle: Occupational Therapy Activities and Cardiorespiratory Fitness for Inpatients with Chronic Mental Illnesses. American Journal of Occupational Therapy
- Wu, S.-L., Hwang, E. J., & Lee, H-L. (2019). An In-House Vocational Training (IHVT) Program for Individuals With Chronic Mental Illnesses: The Employment Outcomes Reported by a Multicenter Study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(4 Supplement 1), 7311520402. - Wang, P.-Y., Hwang, E. J., Chien, S.-L., Wu, S.-L., & Lee, H.-L. (2019). The Prevalence of Deficits in Health-Related Physical Fitness in Patients With Chronic Psychiatric Disorders (CPD): Implications for OT. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(4 Supplement 1), 7311505180. - Hsu, W.-C., Hwang, E. J., Wang, P.-Y., Wu, S.-L., & Lee, H.-L. (2019). The Efficacy of a Lower-Extremity Exercise Program for Individuals With Chronic Psychiatric Disorders (CPD). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(4 Supplement 1), 7311515370.
- Nakamura, M. & Hwang, E. J. (2019). Measuring Health-Related Lifestyle Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Japan: Translation and Cultural Adaption of HELP into HELP-J. Journal of the Osaka Occupational Therapy Association, 32(2), 143-150.
- Lee, H.-L., Hwang, E. J., Wu, S.-L., Tu, W.-M., Wang, M. H., & Chan, F. (2018). Employment outcomes after vocational training for individuals with chronic psychiatric disorders: A multicenter study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72(5), 7205195010p1-7205195010p9. - Su, F. P.-C., Chang, L.-H., Mao, H.-F., Hwang, E. J. (2018). Development of the Taiwanese Version of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP-T). PLoS ONE 13(6), e0199255. - Hwang, E. J., Groves, M. D., Hudson, C. E., Jao, R. G., Moss, M. E., & Sanchez, J. N. (2016). Barriers to Leisure-Time Physical Activities in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 30(3), 215-230. - Hwang, E. J. Lokietz, N. C., Lozano, R. L., & Parke, M. A. (2015). Functional Deficits and Quality of Life Among Cancer Survivors: Implications for Occupational Therapy in Cancer Survivorship Care. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69(6), 6906290010p1-9. - Chuang, W.-F., Hwang, E. J., Lee, H.-L., & Wu, S.-L. (2015). An In-House Prevocational Training Program for Newly Discharged Psychiatric Inpatients: Exploring Its Employment Outcomes and the Predictive Factors. Occupational Therapy International, 22(2), 94-103. - Hwang, E. J. & Peralta-Catipon, T. (2015). A Review and Case Exemplifications of Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) and Its Screener (HELP–Screener) for Older Adults. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 3(3), Article 8. Available at: - Hwang, E. J., Maverick, M. A., Phillips, K. E., & Newman, S. (2014). Correlating Self-Efficacy and Lifestyle with Quality of Life among Adolescent Mothers. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 7(3-4), 272-283. - Hwang, E. J., Peyton, C. G., Kim, D. K., & Nakama, K. K., & Noble, A. E. (2014). Post-Deployment Driving Stress and Related Occupational Limitations Among Veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(4), 386-394. - Stein, F., & Hwang, E. J. (2014). Editorial: Occupational Therapy International, Evidence-Based Practice and Clinical Research. Occupational Therapy International, 21(1), 1-3. - Hwang, J. E. (2013). Reliability of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile - Screener (HELP-Screener). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67(1), e6–e10. - Hwang, J. E. (2012). Development and Validation of a 15-Item Lifestyle Screening for Community-Dwelling Older Adults. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66(6), e98–e106. - Hwang, J. E. (2012). Validity of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile - Screener (HELP-Screener). Occupational Therapy Journal of Research (OTJR): Occupation, Participation & Health, 32(4), 135-141. - Hwang, J. E., Cvitanovich, D. C., Doroski, E. E., & Vajarakitipongse, J. G., (2011).
Correlations between Quality of Life and Adaptation Factors among Individuals with
Multiple Sclerosis. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(6), 661-669. - Peralta-Catipon, T., & Hwang, J. E. (2011). Personal Factors Predictive of Health-Related Lifestyles of Community-Dwelling Older Adults. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(3), 329-337. - Hwang, J. E. (2010). Reliability and Validity of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP). Occupational Therapy Journal of Research (OTJR): Occupation, Participation & Health, 30(4), 158-168. - Hwang, J. E. (2010). Promoting Healthy Lifestyles With Aging: Development and Validation of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) Using the Rasch Measurement Model. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64(5), 786-795. - Hwang, J. E. (2010). Construct Validation of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) with Quality of Life among Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 28(2), 117-130. - Hwang, J. E., Rivas, J. G., Fremming, R., Ponce, M. M., & Crane, K. R. (2009). Relationship Between Perceived Burden of Caring for a Family Member with Alzheimer’s Disease and Decreased Participation in Meaningful Activities. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 23(4), 249-266. - Hwang, J. E., Truax, C., Claire, M., & Caytap, A. L., (2009). Occupational Therapy in Diabetic Care—Areas of Need Perceived by Older Adults with Diabetes. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 23(3), 173-188. - Hwang, J. L. & Davies, P. L. (2009). Rasch Analysis of the School Function Assessment Provides Additional Evidence for Internal Validity of the Activity Performance Scales. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(3), 352-356. - Hwang, J. L. (2005). The Reliability and Validity of the School Function Assessment – Chinese Version. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research (OTJR): Occupation, Participation and Health, 25(2), 44-54. - Hwang, J. L., Nochajski, S. M., Linn, R. T., & Wu, Y. B. (2004). The Development of the School Function Assessment – Chinese Version for Cross-Cultural Use in Taiwan. Occupational Therapy International, 11(1), 26-39. - Hwang, J. L., & Nochajski, S. M. (2003). The International Classification of Function, Disability and Health (ICF) and Its Application with AIDS. Journal of Rehabilitation, 69(4), 4-12.
- Hwang, J. L., Davies, P. L., Taylor, M. P., & Gavin, W. J. (2002). Validation of the School Function Assessment with Elementary School Children. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research (OTJR): Occupation, Participation and Health, 22, 48-58.
- Hwang, E. J. & Peralta-Catipon, T., (2016). Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile ˗ Screening Form (HELP Screener). Department of Occupational Therapy, the California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA.
- Hwang, E. J. & Peralta-Catipon, T., (2016). Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP). Department of Occupational Therapy, the California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA.
- Hwang, E. J. & Peralta-Catipon, T., (2016). Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) and HELP Screener - Guide for Clinicians. Department of Occupational Therapy, the California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA.
- Hwang, J. L. (2008). School Function Assessment – Chinese Version. Record Form. Taipei, Taiwan: Chinese Behavioral Science Corporation.
- Hwang, J. L. (2008). School Function Assessment – Chinese Version. Rating Scale Guide. Taipei, Taiwan: Chinese Behavioral Science Corporation.
- Hwang, J. L. (2008). School Function Assessment – Chinese Version. User’s Manual. Taipei, Taiwan: Chinese Behavioral Science Corporation.
- Hwang, J. L. (2003). The Development and Validation of the School Function Assessment-Chinese Version (372 pages). Doctoral Dissertation, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, Buffalo, NY.Publisher: ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing. Source: DAI-B 64/08, p. 3782, Feb 2004. Publication Number: AAT 3102370. ProQuest Document ID: 305250652
- Hwang, J. L. (2000). Validation Study of the School Function Assessment of Elementary School Children (65 pages). Master Thesis, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, Buffalo, NY. Publisher: ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing. Publication /Order number: 3102370. ProQuest document ID: 305250652
- Wang, P-Y, Hwang, E. J., Chien S-L, Wu, S-L, & Lee, H-L. The Prevalence of Deficits in Health-Related Physical Fitness in Patients With Chronic Psychiatric Disorders: Implications for OT (poster presentation). The 2019 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, New Orleans, LA, April 2019.
- Hsu, W-C, Hwang, E. J., Wang, P-Y, Wu, S-L, & Lee, H-L. The Efficacy of a Lower-Extremity Exercise Program for Individuals With Chronic Psychiatric Disorders (poster presentation). The 2019 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, New Orleans, LA, April 2019.
- Lee, H-L, Hwang, E. J. & Wu, S-L: An In-House Vocational Training (IHVT) Program for Individuals With Chronic Mental Illnesses: The Employment Outcomes Reported by a Multicenter Study. The 2019 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, New Orleans, LA, April 2019.
- Nakamura, M. & Hwang, E. J.: The Development of the Japanese Version of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP): A Pilot Study (poster presentation). The 52nd Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo, Nagoya, Japan, September, 2018.
- Chen, S. M. & Hwang, E. J.: Community Re-Integration Service Program (CRISP): A Model of Personalized Community-Based Psychosocial Rehabilitation with the Individual Community Recovery Trip (ICRT). The 1st Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Symposium, Taoyuan, Taiwan, October, 2017.
- Lee, H. L., Hwang, E. J., Wu, S. L., Tu, W. M., Wang, M. H., & Chan, F.: Employment Outcomes after Vocational Training for Individuals with Chronic Psychiatric Disorders: A Multicenter Study. The 1st Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Symposium, Taoyuan, Taiwan, October, 2017.
- Chen, S. M., Lee, H. L., Hwang, E. J.: Community Re-Integration Service Program (CRISP): A Model of Personalized Community-Based Psychosocial Rehabilitation with the Individual Community Recovery Trip (ICRT). 17th Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists Scientific Meeting, Kaohsiung, Taiwan , November 2016.
- Hwang, E. J., Peyton, C. G., Kim, D. K., & Nakama, K. K., & Noble, A. E.: Driving Stress and Occupational Limitations Among OIF/OEF Returnees (poster presentation). Occupational Therapy Association of California’s 38th Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, October 2014.
- Hwang, E. J.: The Development of a 15-Item Lifestyle Screening Tool for Community-Dwelling Older Adults. 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) & the 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo, Yokohama, Japan, June 2014.
- Hwang, E. J.: The Development of a Comprehensive Health-Related Lifestyle Measure for Community-Dwelling Older Adults. 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) & the 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo, Yokohama, Japan, June 2014.
- Su, P.; Chen, W.; Chang, L.; Mao, H.; & Hwang, E. J.: The Development of Taiwanese Version of Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP-T). 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists & the 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo, Yokohama, Japan, June 2014.
- Hwang, J. E., Cvitanovich, D. C., Doroski, E. E., & Vajarakitipongse, J. G.: Correlations Between Adaptation Factors and Quality of Life Among Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis (poster presentation). American Occupational Therapy Association's 93rd Annual Conference and Expo, San Diego, CA, April 2013.
- Hwang, J. E.: Development of the 15-Item Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile - Screener (HELP-Screener) for Community-Dwelling Older Adults. American Occupational Therapy Association's 93rd Annual Conference and Expo, San Diego, CA, April 2013.
- Hwang, J. E., Cvitanovich, D. C., Doroski, E. E., & Vajarakitipongse, J. G.: Adaptation and Quality of Life Among People with Multiple Sclerosis (poster presentation). Occupational Therapy Association of California’s 36th Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, October 2012.
- Hwang, J. E.: Development and Validation of a 15-Item Lifestyle Screening for Older Adults. Occupational Therapy Association of California’s 2012 Spring Symposium, Anaheim, CA, April 2012.
- Peralta-Catipon, M. T., & Hwang, J. E.: Personal Factors Predictive of Health-Related Lifestyles of Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Occupational Therapy Association of California’s 2011 Spring Symposium, Anaheim, CA, April 2011.
- Hwang, J. E., & Peralta-Catipon, M. T.: Multiple Regression Analysis of the Relationship between Lifestyle Factors and Quality of Life in Older Adults. Occupational Therapy Association of California’s 34th Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, October 2010.
- Hwang, J. E.: Promote Healthy Lifestyles with Aging: Development of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) Through the Rasch Measurement Model. American Occupational Therapy Association's 90th Annual Conference and Expo, Orlando, FL, April 2010.
- Hwang, J. E.: Reliability and Validity Testing of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) with Community-dwelling Older Adults. American Occupational Therapy Association's 90th Annual Conference and Expo, Orlando, FL, April 2010.
- Hwang, J. E.: Relationship Between Health-related Lifestyle Factors and Quality of Life Among Community-dwelling Older Adults. American Occupational Therapy Association's 90th Annual Conference and Expo, Orlando, FL, April 2010.
- Hwang, J. E., & Peralta-Catipon, M. T.: The Development of Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) for Use in Older Adults. Occupational Therapy Association of California’s 2010 Spring Symposium, Anaheim, CA, April 2010.
- Hwang, J. E., Rivas, J., Fremming, R., Ponce, M., & Crane, K.: Relationship Between Perceived Burden of Caring for a Family Member with Alzheimer’s Disease and Participation in Occupation (poster presentation). American Occupational Therapy Association's 89th Annual Conference and Expo, Houston, TX, April 2009.
- Hwang, J. L., Truax, C., Claire, M., & Caytap, A. L.: Perceived Areas of Need That Occupational Therapy Can Address in Older Adults with Diabetes: A Survey Study (poster presentation). American Occupational Therapy Association's 88th Annual Conference and Expo, Long Beach, CA, April 2008.
- Chow, L., Ibasco, I., Kaneshiro, L., Peyton, C., & Hwang, J. L.: The Practice of Co-sleeping of Filipino Parents in the United States: An Ethnographic study. American Occupational Therapy Association's 88th Annual Conference and Expo, Long Beach, CA, April 2008.
- Kaneshiro, L., Ibasco, I., Chow, L., Hwang, J. L. & Peyton, C.: Perceived Advantages and Disadvantages of Co-sleeping Among Asian Families Living in the United States. American Occupational Therapy Association's 88th Annual Conference and Expo, Long Beach, CA, April 2008.
- Hwang, J. L. & Nochajski, S. M. The Use of Rasch Model Techniques in the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the School Function Assessment (poster presentation). Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 2005.
- Davies, P. L., Taylor, M. P., Gavin, W. J., & Hwang, J. L.: Discriminant Validity of the School Functional Assessment and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Third Edition. Occupational Therapy Association of Colorado Annual Conference, Denver, CO, June 2002.
- Davies, P. L., Hwang, J. L.: Taylor, M. P., & Gavin, W. J. Validating the School Function Assessment Using Elementary School Children. American Occupational Therapy Association's 81st Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 2001.
- Taylor, M. P., Davies, P. L., Gavin, W. J., & Hwang, J. L.: A Validity Study of Assessment Measuring Functional Behavior in School-Aged Children With and Without Disabilities. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, April 2001.
- Hwang, J. L., Davies, P. L., Taylor, M. P., & Gavin, W. J.: Validation Study of the School Function Assessment of Elementary School Children (poster presentation). 12th Annual J. Warren Perry Lecture, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, October 2000.