Terry Catipon

Terry Peralta

College of Health, Human Services and Nursing
Department of Occupational Therapy
Department Chair


Ph.D. Occupational Science, University of Southern California

MA Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California

BS Zoology, University of the Philippines


Dr. Peralta-Catipon has practiced as an occupational therapist in areas of Adult Out-patient Rehab, Hand Therapy, Homehealth, as well as Community Geriatrics and Mental Health.


    As Department Chair, Dr. Peralta-Catipon's scholarship agenda addresses discovery, integration, application and teaching.  She has spearheaded the leadership needed to bring the OTD program to CSUDH and design a well-rounded MSOT and OTD curriculum.  Dr. Peralta-Catipon's emphasis on scholarship of discovery and application is evident through the numerous grants funded both as Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator with emphasis on research of the effectiveness of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Program. Her research studies on Filipino communities, both among older adults in Los Angeles and foreign workers in Hong Kong, as well as studies on health and wellness among Hispanic and other migrant populations, display her interest in ethnographic research especially in the areas of migrant adaptation, community wellness programs for older adults, and promotion of cultural occupations. These interests are reflected in the following grants, publications and presentations.


    • Terry Peralta-Catipon, Principal Investigator.  American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF), Letter of Intent (LOI) – accepted with invitation to submit full proposal. Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile for Hispanic Obese & Overweight Older Adults.  November 2014
    • Terry Peralta-Catipon, Principal Investigator; Scott Cheatham, Eric Hwang, Nop Ratanasiripong, Sharon Chun Wetterau, Ben Zhou, Co-Investigators.  CSUDH Interdisciplinary RSCA Grant – funded $ 15,581.00. A Pilot Study on the Effectiveness of the Community-Based Health Enhancement Lifestyle Program (Community-HELP) for Older Adults. February 2015
    • Terry Peralta-Catipon, Co- Investigator; Katy Pinto, Principal Investigator. CSUDH Interdisciplinary RSCA Grant – funded $ 15,750.00. Understanding Obesity Among Young Black and Latina College Women: Individual and Structural Explanations. February 2015.
    • AOTF Student Research Grant AMERICAN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY FOUNDATION. Awarded for the dissertation “Sundays at Statue Square with Filipino Domestic Workers in Hong Kong: An Ethnography of an Occupation.” July 2001

    PUBLICATIONS:  Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journals

    • Swiatek, D., Ryan,S., and Peralta-Catipon, T. (2021).  Older Adults in an LGBT Residential Community:  Impact of a Safe Space on Occupation and Well Being. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 9(4) 1-14.
    • Hwang, E., and Peralta-Catipon, T. (2015). A Review and Case Exemplifications of Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) and Its Screener (HELP-Screener) for Older Adults.  The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 3(3).
    • Peralta-Catipon, T. (2012).  Collective Occupations Among Filipino Migrants:  Bridging Conflicting Identities.  Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, vol 32 (2), 14-21.
    • Peralta-Catipon, T and Hwang, E. (2011). Personal Factors Predictive of Health-Related Lifestyles of Community-Dwelling Older Adults. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, vol 65 (3), 329-337.
    • Peralta-Catipon, T. (2009). Statue Square as a Liminal Sphere: Transforming Space and Place in Migrant Adaptation. Journal of Occupational Science, vol 16(1), 32-37.                                                                           


    • Hwang, E. J. & Peralta-Catipon, T., (2015). Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile ˗ Screening Form (HELP 
    • Screener). Department of Occupational Therapy, the California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA.
    • Hwang, E. J. & Peralta-Catipon, T., (2015). Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP). Department of  Occupational Therapy, the California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA.
    • Hwang, E. J. & Peralta-Catipon, T., (2015). Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) - Guide for Clinicians. Department of Occupational Therapy, the CSUDH, Carson, CA.


    • World Federation of Occupational Therapists International Congress Paris, France.  Collective occupations in migrant adaptation amid an occupationally unjust world.  August 2022
    • World Federation of Occupational Therapists International Congress Paris, France.  Shedding light on hidden Filipino occupations:  A critical interpretive synthesis.  Co-presenters:  Michael Sy, Ricardo Carasco, Penafrancia Ching, Daryl Yao, & Veronica Dee.  August 2022
    • 7th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Conference (APOTC) Manila, Philippines. Challenges Adaptation, and Rewards of Clinician Transitioning to Academician Co-presenters: Luis Arabit, Allen Espelita, Maria Cabatan.  November 2021
    • Western Regional Occupational Therapy Spring Symposium Transitioning from Clinician to Academic, Co-presenters: Luis Arabit and Allen Espelita.  March 2021
    • Western Regional Occupational Therapy Spring Symposium Las Vegas, NV. Transitioning from Clinician to Academic, Co-presenters: Luis Arabit and Allen Espelita. March 2020
    • Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC) Annual Conference Pasadena, CA. Transitioning from Practitioner to Academician, Co-presenters: Luis Arabit and Allen Espelita.  October 2019
    • Society of Medical, Medicine, and Health Sciences (MMHS) Manila, Philippines. The Community-Based Health Enhancement Lifestyle Program (Community-HELP). September 2016
    • Society for Applied Anthropology Conference Vancouver BC, Canada. An Ethnography of Filipina Domestic Workers Spending Sundays at Statue Square Using an Occupational Science Lens.  March 2016
    • Innovative Teaching Symposium, California State University Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) Putting Critical Service Learning Concepts into Action. Co-presenters: Vivan Price, Rui Sun, Ellie Zenhari, Tom Norman, Mike Fraga, and Veronica Allen.  November 2015
    • Society for the Study of Occupation (SSO-USA) Annual Conference Fort Lauderdale, FL. Interdependent Identities of Filipina Workers within a Liminal Sphere at Statue Square:  An Ethnography of a Collective Occupation. October 2015
    • Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC) Annual Conference Sacramento, CA. Developing Non-Traditional Community Mental Health and Wellness Fieldwork Programs. October 2015
    • Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC) Spring Symposium Anaheim, CA. Personal Factors of Health-related Lifestyle of Community-dwelling Older Adult, Co-presenter: Eric Hwang.  April 2011
    • Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC) Annual Conference Pasadena, CA. Multiple Regression Analysis of the Relationship between Lifestyle Factors and Quality of Life in Older Adults, Co-presenter: Eric Hwang. October 2010
    • Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC) Spring Symposium Anaheim, CA. Development of Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile/Program (HELP) for Implementing in Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Co-presenter: Eric Hwang. April 2010
    • CSU Regional Conference on Teaching and Learning Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo Cooperative Learning and Classroom Success among Graduate Students. May 2009
    • American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) National Conference Houston, Texas. Workshop: International Forum: Immigration--Meeting the Needs of Clients and Colleagues New to the U. S. April 2009
    • Canadian Occupational Science Conference Thunderbay, Canada. Sundays at Statue Square: Multiple Transformations within a Liminal Sphere. April 2008
    • American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) National Conference Long Beach, CA. Home Away from Home: Bridging Conflicts between Self and Identity among Filipino Migrants. April 2008
    • American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) National Conference Charlotte, NC. Addressing Issues Specific to Migrant Seniors in ADHCCs. May 2006
    • Society for the Study of Occupation (SSO:USA) National Conference Washington DC. Ethnography on Spending Sundays at Statue Square in Hong Kong – An Occupation within the Filipina Domestic.  October 2005
    • American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) National Conference Long Beach, CA. Worker Subculture: Implications to the Clinical, Social, Educational, and Political Role of Occupational Scientists. Sundays at Statue Square with Filipinas in Hong Kong: A Global Perspective of Occupational Therapists in Public Health.  May 2005