On-Campus Organizations

Performing Arts Logo

On-Campus Organization Facility Use

On-Campus organizations are able to reserve the University Theatre and the Laser Recital Hall. 

There is an hourly charge for each of the venues. They are listed below. if you have any questions, please contact SHumenski@csudh.edu 

Rental Rates

Staffing Rates

Theatre Manager / Technical Director$40/hour
Stage Manager$20/hour
Electrician (E1)$20/hour
Audio Engineer (A1)$20/hour
Fly Person / Stagehand$20/hour
General Theatre Techncian$20/hour
Box Office Attendant / House Manager $20/hour

Equipment Rates

Projector & Screen$50/Event
Piano (Concert Grand)$75/Event
Piano TuningAt Cost
Live Stream - Setup$50
Live Stream - Camera Use$25/camera

NOTE: Live Streaming rates do NOT include technicians or camera operators.

Venue Rates

University Theatre$100/hour
Marvin Laser Recital Hall$75/hour

There is a 4 hour minimum on all rentals

If you are an on-campus organization and wish to reserve or get more information on reserving CSUDH Performing Arts venues, please fill out the form below.

Technical Information

University Theatre

Technical Information

House Lighting Plot

House Lighting Channel Setup

Laser Recital Hall

Technical Information