Past Events

Finding Me: A Journey of Self-Care and Wellness
November 30, 2022

Grammy-nominated singer, award-winning actor, producer, and author Amber Riley spoke candidly about her personal journey of self-care and mental wellbeing, as well as the tools and lessons that have helped her along the way.

Changing the Narrative: Diversifying Voices in Media and Film
March 17, 2022

Univision anchor Ilia Calderón shared her life story, reflections on overcoming barriers, and words of wisdom with the CSUDH community. The spring lecture, in celebration of Women’s History Month, focused on women in media and film—specifically, women of color—and why having diverse voices in these spaces is important in the struggle to overcome racism and sexism.

The Intersection of Art and Music
March 24, 2021

"The Intersection of Art and Music" highlighted the interconnectedness of visual art and music, as mixed-media artist Toni Scott completed a "live painting" to the accompaniment of the CSUDH Orchestra. Conductor Charles Dickerson led the orchestra in a performance of "Rhapsody in Blue" and Beethoven's "5th Symphony," while Scott painted an original piece inspired by the music.

Kenny G - Campus Holiday Celebration
December 9, 2020

After sharing personal anecdotes about his storied music career, and advice for CSUDH students, Grammy Award-winning saxophonist Kenny G performed a special holiday concert for the campus community during the virtual 2020 Presidential Distinguished Lecture Series on Dec. 9.

Kenny G is among the world’s most acclaimed instrumental musicians and one of the biggest selling artists of the modern jazz era with worldwide sales of more than 75 million records. The opportunity to have him as a Presidential Distinguished Lecture Series speaker came about after the president was invited by CSUDH Philanthropic Board Chair Maria Villa (’82, B.S. business administration) and her husband, Steve Lathrop, to play a round of golf with Kenny G.

Xavier Becerra - Fighting for a Sustainable Future and Healthy Communities
February 7, 2019

The Honorable Xavier Becerra was the featured speaker for the Presidential Distinguished Lecture Series in February, 2019. Attorney General Becerra discussed California’s efforts to defend environmental protections that are critical to our health and well-being. The event was one of several marking President Thomas Parham’s inauguration as the 11th President of California State University, Dominguez Hills.

The lecture was followed by a panel discussion featuring Dr. John Thomlinson, CSUDH Professor & Chair of Biology; Tim Watkins, President/CEO, Watts Labor Community Action Committee; and Hawk McFadzen, CSUDH graduate student and CalFresh Outreach Coordinator.

Tommie Smith - Silent Gesture: Athletics and Courageous Conscience
November 7, 2018

The lecture series began with legendary Olympic athlete Tommie Smith, whose raised fist on the medal platform at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics has become an iconic and defining moment in the fight for civil rights. Smith's lecture was followed by a panel discussion regarding athletes and social activism, with former NFL star Reggie Bush, NFL Network reporter Steve Wyche, UC Riverside athletic director Tamica Smith Jones, and CSUDH volleyball player Esther Duru.