Requesting Accommodations

How to Request Accommodations

  1. Go to
  2. On the right side of menu, click “SdRC Online Portal.
  3. Click left blue button titled “Sign In” for Registered Student with Disabilities.
  4. Read relevant agreement forms and sign name at the bottom. You will need to click one of the grey boxes in the middle of the screen. 
  5. Under “Step 1: Select Class(es),” please check off the classes you’d like to receive accommodations. Then, click “Step 2- Continue to Customize Your Accommodations” button.
  6. Select the approved accommodation(s) you want for each class. And then click “Submit Your Accommodation Requests” button.

*NOTE: If you see that some class accommodations are not listed or available, please contact the office or an SdRC advisor.

  1. Upon successful submission of your requests, the next page will state “System Update is Successful.”