Current Students

Master of Arts in Sociology

University Graduate Resources

Sociology Advising Information

Sociology & Related Social Science Organizations

Sociology MA Program Requirements

Requirement for Advancement to Candidacy
Candidacy status denotes the successful completion of a major portion of the graduate academic program.
To be advanced to candidacy students must have completed the following:

  • Meet graduate writing assessment requirement;
  • The following core courses with a minimum grade of “B” in each course:
SOC 505 (3 Units)Sem. in Soc. Research Spring
SOC 506 (1 Unit)Lab. in Soc. Research  Spring
SOC 555 (3 Units)Sem. in Soc. TheoryFall
Choose one of the following two courses
SOC 550 (3 Units)Sem. in Interaction Processes Fall
SOC 511 (3 Units)Sem. in Soc. Organization Fall
  • Completion of two additional graduate seminars in sociology  with a minimum grade  point average of 3.0;
  • Approval of the student’s eligibility for the comprehensive exam by the graduate coordinator; or
  • Approval of a thesis or thematic project proposal by a committee consisting of at least two members of the tenured and tenure-track faculty of the sociology department. Proposals are submitted in writing and the title is registered with the department.

Degree Requirements

General Sociology Option (30 units)
1. Required Core Courses (10 units)

SOC 505 (3 Units)Sem. in Soc. Research Spring
SOC 506 (1 Unit)Lab. in Soc. Research  Spring
SOC 555 (3 Units)Sem. in Soc. TheoryFall
Choose one of the following two courses
SOC 550 (3 Units)Sem. in Interaction Processes Fall
SOC 511 (3 Units)Sem. in Soc. Organization Fall
  • Classified students are required to take SOC 505, Seminar in Sociological Research, and SOC 555, Seminar in Sociological Theory, during their first year in the program.
  • 20 additional units from sociology course offerings (a maximum of nine units may be taken from 300 or 400 level courses and only with the consent of the graduate coordinator).
  • Completion of the comprehensive exam, thesis or thematic project.
  • Of the 20 units taken under “3”, at least three should be graduate seminars, those students selecting the thesis or the project may include five units of SOC 599.  Those students selecting the comprehensive examination option must include two units of SOC 599.
  • An overall grade point average of 3.0 or better with no grade lower than a “B” in the core courses

Comprehensive Exam Option (may be repeated once if failed):

  • Exams generally administered 1st week in Dec and last week of April
    • Must pass:
      • Theory,
      • Methods,
      • One Substantive Area from: criminology, education, family, race, or community studies.
  • Sign up for exam the Semester BEFORE you would like to take exam.
  • Students completing the comps can register for 2 units of Soc 599 (one time)

Thesis Information

  • 3.75 GPA
  • Develop 2-3 page mini-proposal with timeline BEFORE forming committee
  • Thesis form
  • Students completing thesis option can take 5 units of Soc 599 (one time)

Research Skills Option (30 units)

1. Prerequisites
The following courses are prerequisites and must be completed before classified standing in the program will be granted.

SOC 304Computer Applications
SOC 402Multivariate Analysis in Soc. (4)
SOC 307Micro Computer Data Base
Applications in Social Science (3)

NOTE: This option will also satisfy requirements for the Graduate Research Certificate.

2. Core Courses (10 units)

SOC 505 (3 Units)Sem. in Soc. Research Spring
SOC 506 (1 Unit)Lab. in Soc. Research  Spring
SOC 555 (3 Units)Sem. in Soc. TheoryFall
Choose one of the following two courses
SOC 550 (3 Units)Sem. in Interaction Processes Fall
SOC 511 (3 Units)Sem. in Soc. OrganizationFall

3. Required Courses (20 units)

SOC 503Sem. in Ethnographic Analysis in Soc. (3) [I]
SOC 502Graduate Workshop in Research and
Theory (4) or
SOC 302Workshop in Soc. Research (4)

NOTE: A total of 16 units of SOC 502 and SOC 302 must be taken and at least 12 units must be in SOC 502.)
4. Serve as project director (or co-director) of a selected Center for Policy Research and Evaluation sponsored project for the minimum of one term and the submission of an approved written report of the project.
5. A grade point average of 3.0 or better in graduate study.

Applying for Graduation

Find out more Information at CSUDH Graduation