
Preliminary Education Specialist Credential Programs/Pathways

Preliminary Credential Programs

Mild/Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) includes specific learning disabilities; mild to moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities; other health impairments; serious emotional disturbance and authorizes service in grades K–12 and classes organized primarily for adults through age 22.

Extensive Support Needs (EXSN) includes autism; deaf-blindness; moderate to severe intellectual and development disabilities; multiple disabilities; serious emotional disturbance and authorizes service in grades K–12 and classes organized primarily for adults through age 22.

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) includes mild/moderate and moderate/severe disabilities (listed above); traumatic brain injury and authorizes service to infants, toddlers, and young children with stated disabilities and their families.

Early Childhood Special Education Bridge Certificate authorizes CSUDH ECSE credential holders who entered the program prior to June 1, 2022 seeking to add an authorization to teach Transition Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten.  The CCTC has provided a "bridge pathway" to expand authorization to TK and K.  Existing ECSE Preliminary and Clear holders will need to demonstrate they have met certain Teacher Performance Expectations.  Alumni of CSUDH ECSE Credential program are eligible to "upgrade to this new ECSE authorization" if you meet these standards.  To apply for the new ECSE authorization, please complete the ECSE Bridge Requirement Form.  You will send the completed form to SPE Administrative Coordinator, Jasmine Combs for processing.

Preliminary Credential Pathways

Intern Option: The Special Education Intern Program (SEIP) is an alternative credential pathway that allows candidates to work in P-12 schools as teachers-of-record while they complete university coursework necessary to obtain their credential. The SEIP is a collaborative effort with school districts, Non-Public School (NPS), or Charter Schools. Interns receive assistance from school site support providers and university supervisors.

Student Teaching Option: The Student Teaching Program is a traditional credential pathway that allows student teachers to be placed in public school P-12 classrooms under the guidance of a Master Teacher for fieldwork experiences while completing university coursework necessary to obtain their credential.

Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) Mild/Moderate Educational Specialists: The ITEP Program for the Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Disabilities Credential is an option within the undergraduate Liberal Studies major wherein students earn a BA degree in Liberal Studies while also earning an Education Specialist Credential-Mild/Moderate Disabilities (Student Teaching Option only). To meet all requirements for the ITEP program, students must also complete a depth of study in Educating Children with Disabilities and be accepted into the Special Education Credential Program. The total number of units for the BA and Credential is 135 units. Please see the Liberal Studies section of the catalog, as well as an advisor in the Liberal Studies Office for more information about the ITEP Option.

Advanced Programs

Teacher Induction Program leading to a Clear Education Specialist Credential Program: This program is designed for holders of a Preliminary Credential (MMSN; EXSN; ECSE) and includes advanced coursework and Individual Induction Plans.  Click here for program requirements.  For more information regarding the program, please contact the Teacher Induction Coordinator, Dr. Patricia Maricich at  

Master's Degree: The Master's degree program is based on curriculum that prepares candidates to assume advanced roles in the field of Special Education. The capstone experience for this degree includes a thesis or a comprehensive essay exam.