Alcohol Awareness

Campus Resources

Online Resources

Off-Campus Resources

AACT PostersAlcohol Awareness Coordinating Team (AACT)

In 2001, the California State University system instituted an alcohol policy which required each campus to develop an on-going alcohol awareness campaign. The Alcohol Awareness Coordinating Team (AACT) was established as a part of the CSU Alcohol Usage Policy. The committee is made up of a cross-section of representatives from across campus including Housing, University Police, the Office of Student Life, Health and Psychological Services, Athletics, faculty, and students.

The ACCT strives to elevate the awareness of the campus community regarding alcohol- and drug-related issues (health, psychological, social, personal, and professional), in order to reduce substance abuse.

Activities conducted by AACT

  • Information tables
  • Speaker participation in health fair
  • Presentations to University 101
  • Classroom presentations
  • Assessment
  • Special programs
  • Website resources

Volunteers Needed

If you are interested in assisting with the efforts of AACT, please contact Matthew Smith, Dean of Students, at (310) 243-3784 or

CSUDH Alcohol Awareness Knowledge Test

The CSUDH Alcohol Awareness Coordinating Team (AACT) would like to help you determine what you know -- and what you don't know -- about alcohol use. If you don't know the answer to a question below, give it your best guess. Many myths exist about drinking and college students. The AACT wants students to learn important information about alcohol. With knowledge, you will be able to make better decisions and act responsibly.

How many drinks in a row is considered binge drinking?

On average, four (4) drinks in a row is considered binge drinking. More specifically, binge drinking is considered to be four (4) drinks in row for women and five (5) for men.

What does BAC stand for?

Blood Alcohol Concentration, the ratio of alcohol to the blood in the bloodstream

What is the best way to sober up?

Time is the only way to sober up. Myths about drinking coffee, cold showers or other remedies don't work. Only time works. Generally speaking, for every ounce of alcohol, it takes at least one hour for your body to process the alcohol and eliminate it.

What should you do if someone passes out from drinking too much alcohol?

If someone passes out from drinking too much alcohol, it is a sign of alcohol poisoning. A person who passes out may go into a coma, gag, choke, or even die. You need to get the person medical attention. You may need to call 911 and alert the operator that the person has passed out from consuming alcohol.

What cocktails have the most alcohol?

It is impossible to compare amount of alcohol in cocktails or mixed drinks, since the amount of alcohol in each drink can vary greatly. Mixed drinks may contain multiple shots. Bartenders may pour different amounts. The size of glasses vary. The person drinking should always be aware of the amount and speed of alcohol they have consumed.

What is the legal limit for a person's BAC before they are considered too drunk to drive?

Anyone age 21 or above that is caught driving with a .08 BAC level or higher will be considered driving under the influence. The individual may lose his/her license, pay costly attorney fees, experience higher insurance premiums. For individuals who are under 21 years of age, there is zero tolerance for alcohol. A BAC of anything higher than .00 is illegal.

What are the consequences of drinking too much, too often?

Health issues, poor performance in school, sexual dysfunction, injuries, vehicular accidents, arguments or fights with another person. All of these situations have different consequences; none of them are positive.

What is a designated driver?

Before going out to drink at a bar or party, this person has been designated to drive and has agreed to consume NO ALCOHOL at all.

If you have further questions about alcohol use and abuse, you may contact the Health Educator in Student Health & Psychological Services at (310) 243-3629. Counselors are also available at the Career Center or in Student Health & Psychological Services.