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Students who use credit cards to make payments at will be charged a 2.65% non-refundable convenience fee (minimum charge is $3.00). Debit cards used online are processed as credit card transactions and are subject to the 2.65% non-refundable convenience fee.
CSUDH does not collect or keep any of the convenience fees. The fee is charged by our third-party processor, Transact, to cover the processing fees charged by the credit card companies.
The university cannot afford to subsidize the credit card processing fee. Transaction fees would cost the university several hundred thousand dollars per year. The majority of universities pass this fee on to the student. CSUDH reinvests the savings back into the university to improve student services, primarily through investing in instructional equipment such as classroom upgrades and improved instructional technology.
You can continue to make online payments at with electronic checks (e-checks) to avoiding paying the convenience fee. To pay with an e-check, go to to provide your bank routing number and account number. It’s fast, simple, convenient, and secure.
You can also avoid fees by paying with cash, checks, or money orders in person at the Cashier’s Office, located on the 2nd floor of Welch Hall. Please note that the Cashier’s Office window does not accept credit or debit cards. Cashier Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday.
Please contact Student Financial Services with any questions.
Office: Welch Hall, 2nd Floor, B-270
Phone: (310) 243-3780
Fee payment deadlines are found in the current semester Schedule of Classes located on the CSUDH web site under the title Fees. The payment due dates vary, based on the date that you register for classes.
Students are fully responsible for meeting the payment deadline. You will not receive a bill. Failure to make a full payment or establish a payment plan by the deadline may result in disenrollment from courses. Account balances are available through
It is not preferred; however, you can pay before you register for classes at the Cashiers’ Office only. These funds will create a credit on your student account and could be refunded to you if you do not immediately register for classes. In some instances there would be a non-refundable processing fee for the refund.
Fees may be paid in three ways: online, in person or by mail.
Yes, we do accept payments via mail. However, payments are posted on the day they are received by the Cashiers’ Office. Postmarks do not determine the payment date. You should account for one to two weeks to get payments to us. Our mailing address is:
Yes, you can.
You can pay a $4.00 processing fee at the Cashier's Office. The Cashier's Office will create the itemized receipt for you. If you do not require a receipt on university letterhead, you can print out billing and payment history directly from ToroPay at
Student parking permits are sold online via the Portal. To purchase online, please visit and select the Parking button, located in the Launchpad. Parking permits purchased online will be mailed to the address selected at the time of purchase. Staff and Faculty permits can be purchased in person at the Cashier's Office. Staff and Faculty are required to bring their completed "Request to Issue Parking Form" to the cashiers office to receive the parking permit. Please visit the Human Resources Office WH-340 to receive the form.
The Cashier's Office is located in WH B-270.
You are eligible for the Installment Payment Plan Agreement if you do not have any outstanding obligations with the university.
Yes, you can pay your registration fees in installments. You can setup an Installment Payment Plan (IPP) at The IPP will establish future due dates based on the plan available at that time. The IPP agreement is automated and will identify the due dates and amounts due on those dates. By accepting the agreement, the student is responsible for the payments as scheduled.
The payment plan schedules are based on the date that you initiate a payment plan.
Yes, the fee to participate in the Installment Payment Plan is $33.00 and is non-refundable.
Yes. There is a $20.00 late payment fee for each late installment payment.
Student email is one of the primary means of communication between CSUDH students and the Offices of Admissions, Financial Aid, Records & Registration, and Student Financial Services. Messages regarding important deadlines, missing documents, and other correspondence will be sent to your official CSUDH email account.
No. All students' outstanding balances must be satisfied before enrolling in future classes that will add to the debt. Financial Aid awards for a current academic year cannot be applied to previous academic years.
No. If you owe any money from a previous semester, it must be repaid before you will be allowed to participate in the Installment Payment Plan.
Once the payment is posted to your account, financial holds are cleared overnight.
Please contact Student Financial Services at or (310) 243-3780. You will need to complete an exit interview. Student Financial Services will notify ECSI, our loan servicer, to have an exit interview email sent to your ToroMail account.
Yes. If you are a half-time student, unemployed, temporarily disabled, or teaching, provided the correct form is completed and returned. Forms can be obtained from Student Financial Services.
Yes. Our billing service, ECSI, reports all advances and loan statuses on a monthly basis. It is important, therefore, to keep your current address and situation up to date with ECSI.
If your payment is returned by your bank for any reason, CSUDH will assess a $25.00 returned check fee and any other related late fees. You will have a financial hold placed on your account until the outstanding balance on your account is satisfied.
Financial aid disbursements are initiated by the Financial Aid office upon completion of their review and eligibility criteria. Financial Aid funds are disbursed to Student Financial Services, which then credits the funds to the individual student accounts to offset any outstanding charges. Student Financial Services will then determine any outstanding credit balances and disburse the funds via direct deposit (ACH). If the student has not signed up for direct deposit, then a check will be mailed to the student's address. Mailed checks normally take 5 to 10 business to reach the recipient, while direct deposits typically arrive in 3 to 4 business days.
A single check or direct deposit deposit will be mailed for all grant funds that are ready for disbursement, including Pell, State University Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Educational Opportunity Program, Cal Grants, Perkins Loans, William D. Ford Loans, and scholarships.
No. Student Refund checks are produced and mailed to the student's address. You should verify the address on record and ensure that it is accurate and changed whenever you change residence. Student Financial Services encourages all students to enroll in direct deposit. By enrolling in direct deposit, students receive their refunds faster and more securely. To enroll in direct deposit, visit the Portal, select Student Center from the Launchpad, and select Enroll in Direct Deposit in the Finance Section.
The Financial Aid Department determines your total financial aid disbursement. Please check with them if you dispute the total disbursement amount.
Refunds are automatically calculated at the end of the add/drop period of the semester. For Summer, refunds are calculated after the end of add/drop for the second session. Because of the large volume of refunds to be processed at that time, the largest refunds are processed first. Refunds are issued in the form they were received: refunds of credit card payments will be issued back to the credit card that was used to make the payment, including debit/check cards used as credit cards; refunds of cash, checks, electronic checks, or debit cards will be issued via check or electronic fund transfer. Most refunds are issued within three weeks after the end of add/drop, but some refunds can take as long as six weeks. If you have not received a refund by the end of six weeks AFTER the end of add/drop, please contact Student Financial Services.
Please refer to the refund percentage table for the term and calculate the amount of fees you should be charged. Subtract that amount from all payments you have made. This is the refund amount, less $10 processing fee and any other non-refundable fees (i.e. ID card, installment plan fees, etc.).
No. We are unable to issue checks for payments made by credit card. All refunds will be credited back to the original credit card used, unless the payment was made over one (1) year ago.
No. A refund can only be issued in the name of the student whose account reflects the credit, regardless of who paid the fees.
If a check has been mailed and has not been received after seven (7) business days, the student must complete an affidavit and stop payment form. Upon completion of the affidavit, a replacement check will be issued. The student will be notified via email if their direct deposit information is returned by the bank.
In order to have your fees waived, you must complete an Older Adult Fee Waiver form for each semester and file it with the Office of Admissions and Records. There are specific requirements that must be met in order to receive the waiver.
Students taking classes through Extended Education should submit their third-party contract directly to the Extended Education Department.