Public Transit

Taking the bus rather than driving has the potential to save Angelenos over $6,000 a year and decrease CO2 emissions by 37 million metric tons (American Public Transportation Association)! Discounted TAP cards can be used for Los Angeles Public buses and rails. Combining this mode of transit with the Metro Micro $1 Shuttle can help make this mode of transportation even more convenient and cost-effective.

Student Benefits

Metro U-Pass (Now LIVE!)

The Universal Pass Program (U-Pass) is available for all enrolled students without any unit requirements and provide unlimited rides per semester for $57.75 on 13 different transit agencies (Culver CityBus, Foothill, Transit Garden Transit, LADOT DASH, Long Beach Transit, Metro, Torrance Transit, Norwalk Transit, Montelbello Bus, Pasadena Transit and Santa Monica Big Blue Bus).
Follow these steps to register:
1. Complete the mandatory registration survey here.
2. Pay for your U-Pass online here
3. After receiving your receipt confirmation email, Parking and Transportation Services will email you with pickup instructions for your U-Pass. Please print the U-Pass survey confirmation. 
4. Pickup will take place at Campus Police in Welch Hall 100, Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30, after confirmation is received from Parking and Transportation services. 
For any additional U-Pass questions, please email: or call 310-243-3725

Discounted Metro TAP-cards

Full-time students are entitled to a discounted monthly Metro Bus Pass for $11.25.

Application paperwork can also be obtained at the Office of Transportation Services located at RPM-200. Watch our detailed step-by-step instructional video below or read the written instructions for a walkthrough on how to apply for this benefit.

Online Application

  1. Complete the College/Vocational TAP card application.
  2. After receiving your TAP card, fill out the Transportation Services (Rideshare) TAP eligibility form.
  3. Upon approval, you can pay for your discounted TAP card through the Cashier’s Office.

Watch our Step by Step Guide on How to Complete the Online TAP Card Application!

By Mail

  1. Complete the College Vocational ID form to confirm your qualifications for this benefit.
  2. Mail your application to:
    TAP Reduced Fare Office
    One Gateway Plaza Mail Stop 99-PL-4
    Los Angeles, CA 90012-2952
    Take a printed copy of your application to your closest Metro Customer Center.
  3. After receiving a receipt for your College/Vocational TAP ID, pick up your $22 Bus voucher at the CSUDH Office of Transportation, located near the tennis courts in  RPM-200.
  4. Take the voucher and card to the Cashiers Office to load value to your TAP card.
    • Cashier's Office: Welch Hall, Room 270. Open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 
Faculty & Staff Benefits

CSUDH provides employees with a monthly subsidy towards Metro TAP cards. Please visit the Office of Transportation Services in WH-105 (located near the Campus Police Station) to receive your Metro benefits.

Coming soon! (Fall 2024)


The E-Pass Program will offer Staff and Faculty enhanced flexibility of public transit usage. The program uses a TAP chip sticker with an RFID antenna to convert employee IDs into TAP cards, aiming to increase ridership by 20%. It includes 13 transit agencies and is billed based on actual business usage quarterly, with charges capped at an average of $80 per person per month. Stay tuned! 

Public Benefits

These groups are also eligible for discounted Metro TAP cards without being a full time student and without affiliation to CSUDH:

  • Seniors 62+ in age
  • Active military
  • Low income riders
  • Students K-12
  • Children under 5 years old
  • Persons with Disabilities

People identifying with these descriptions may obtain their discounted resources through Metro.

Bus Transit Routes Accessible to CSUDH

Metro Bus

  • 51, 53, 205, 246

Long Beach Transit

  • 1, 2

Torrance Transit

  • 6, 13

Compton Renaissance

  • 5

Plan Your Next Trip by Bus

If you do not have a smartphone, please visit the Office of Transportation Services in RMP-200 for a physical map.

Toro Express:

Need an easy way to connect to the Metro Blue Line and/or Harbor Gateway Transit Center from CSUDH?  Take the campus Toro Express shuttle that stops on Victoria on the north side of campus.  Check the current shuttle schedule on Transportation Services' Rideshare webpage here: 

Metro Rail & Busway

The A Line (Blue), C Line (Green), and J Line (Silver) are railway lines in close proximity to campus. An additional bus ride is required to fully arrive on campus (either the Toro Express Shuttle and/or accessible bus transit routes listed above).

Plan Your Next Trip by Metro Rail