Water Management

Nearly 90% of CSUDH campus irrigation is serviced by recycled (reclaimed water). However, the university still practices responsible stewardship over all its water consumption, regardless of source, in its facilities. 

The university currently practices several basic water conservation efforts, such as using brooms rather than water to sweep hardscapes, repairing irrigation and toilet leaks, decreasing watering schedules and system pressure, replacing broken features with low-flow or conservation devices, and closely monitoring leaks in laboratory equipment and boiler/steam systems.

The university is increasing the overall focus on our water conservation efforts, beginning with analysis of its water consumption trends.  We have also begun creating and publicizing written water management and conservation policies and recommendations, addressing short-term water conservation goals, and have made a commitment to the longer-term water management efficiency of the facility.

For more detailed information on our efforts and plans to responsibly steward our water resources, please see our current strategic Water Action Plan (through 2030) for the campus:

For our past Water Action Plans and updates, please see below: 

Recent water conservation initiatives include:

  • Campus Standards for Landscape Design
    CSUDH applies California Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance standards on the design of new campus landscape.  It also requires new capital planning projects designing landscape to conduct required water budget calculations as if using potable water, not reclaimed which results in even more efficient landscapes than required by the ordinance.  

  • Irrigation Audits
    Partnering with our water utility providers, the campus organized a free professional irrigation audit to identify water saving opportunities for the campus. Based on the recommendations, the campus will continue to improve irrigation efficiency and encourage low water-usage plantings throughout the campus. 

  • Weather Sensor Irrigation Control
    A grant from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California provides a wireless irrigation system for the campus that uses reclaimed water and includes a weather sensor that monitors flow.
  • Low-Flow Showerheads and Urinals
    All showerheads on campus have been replaced with low-flow versions. The California Water Service Company (Cal Water) donated 150 showerheads, and a grant from Cal Water replaced all urinals with low-flow models.
  • Central Plant Cooling Towers
    Using a zero blowdown procedure, the Central Plant is able to save 30,000 gallons of water per day for the campus.  It also has an innovative condensate capture and return system that allows the water to be reused in the cooling towers.  
  • West Basin Municipal Water District Pilot Project
    Upgrades in University Housing included over $360,000 in savings and water use reduced by 50% by installing:
    • Over 225 dual-flush, low-flow toilets
    • 150+ low-flow showerheads
    • Faucet flow restrictors

Report Leaks

Report all leaks, dripping faucets, and running toilets. A dripping faucet wastes more than 600 gallons a year, while a running toilet wastes more than 131,000 gallons! Please call Facilities Services at (310) 243-3804 to report leaks.

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