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Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) Description

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a research-based academic support model that offers peer-assisted study sessions for students enrolled in historically rigorous classes. SI sessions are peer-led seminars in which students have the opportunity to discuss course material and develop organizational tools and study skills to prepare for exams. Participation is voluntary, but all students are encouraged to attend SI sessions. Students with varying levels of academic preparedness participate in and benefit from SI. This program was developed at University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC) in 1973 and is used in hundreds of colleges and universities around the world. SI Motto: "Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand."

In-Class Support

What should you expect from your SI Leader in your class?:
1. Your SI Leader will serve as a model student in your class
2. Your SI Leader will provide you with real-time support when you engage in individual and/or group work
3. Your SI Leader will promote SI sessions and provide you with academic resources if you need additional support outside of the classroom

Weekly Study Sessions

What should you expect during an SI session?:
1. Your SI session will be thoroughly designed to actively engage students in the content of the course
2. Your SI Leader will provide you and your peers with support throughout the session
3. Your session will allow you to connect and learn with peers from the class

Check out the SI Schedule

SI Weekly Study Session Schedule

Spring 2025

BIO 12001

1:00-2:15pm LIB-5070

2:30-3:45pm LIB-5070

BIO 120021:00-2:15pm LIB-507410:00-11:15am LIB-5074
BIO 1200311:30-12:45pm LIB-50704:00-5:15pm LIB-5070
BIO 250011:00-2:15pm LIB-507411:30-12:45pm LIB-5074
CHE 1100110:00-11:15am LIB-11081:00-2:15pm LIB-1108
CHE 110021:00-2:15pm LIB-507011:30-12:45pm LIB-5074
CHE 1100310:00-11:15am LIB-50744:00-5:15pm LIB-5074
CHE 112014:00-5:15pm LIB-50744:00-5:15pm LIB-5074
CHE 1120210:00-11:15am LIB-507010:00-11:15am LIB-5070
MAT 1030211:30-1:45pm LIB-1875
MAT 103041:00-2:15pm VIL-130
MAT 132028:30-9:45am SAC-2107
MAT 132041:00-2:15pm WH-A118
MAT 132061:00-2:15pm SAC-2107
MAT 132088:30-9:45am SBS-G126
MAT 132101:00-2:15pm SAC-3141
MAT 132128:30-9:45am SAC-3135
MAT 1321411:30-12:45pm SAC-3136
MAT 1510210:00-11:15am LCH-A227
MAT 151041:00-2:15pm LCH-A227
MAT 153021:00-2:15pm LIB-1128
MAT 1530410:00-11:15am LIB-1128
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Supplemental Instruction?

Supplemental Instruction is a peer- to-peer academic assistance program which provides weekly, peer-facilitated group study sessions for students taking historically difficult courses (those with high D, F or W rates). SI study sessions are led by an SI leader, a student who have taken the class previously and were successful in it. SI Leaders are trained to facilitate group sessions where students can meet to gain their understanding of course material, review and discuss important concepts, develop study strategies and prepare for exams. SI is provided for all students who want to strengthen their understanding of course material and improve their grades; it is not just for those students who are struggling. SI is a free service offered to all students.*SI participation is 100% voluntary*. Students may attend as many times as they choose.

How do I know if my course is supported with Supplemental Instruction?

During the first week of the semester, the SI Leader will announce and distribute information regarding the days, times, and location of upcoming SI study sessions. Your professor and SI leader will both continue to remind you throughout the semester of SI study session times.

What is an SI Leader?

SI leaders are students who have taken the class previously and were successful in it. They know the course content, and are eager and prepared to share with you what they know about the course content, and have learned over the years about how to study. They will be in class with you every day, hearing what you hear and reading what you read. Their job is to help you think about the course lectures, readings, assignments, and exams. Your SI leader will bring together course content and study skills, in a collaborative manner, to help you learn more efficiently.

What can I expect from an SI study session?

SI study sessions are led by a SI leader who has mastered the course material and has been trained to facilitate group sessions where students can meet to gain a better understanding of course material, review and discuss important concepts, develop study strategies and prepare for exams.

Where is the SI study session held?

During the first week of the semester, the SI Leaders will announce and distribute information regarding the days, times, and location of upcoming SI study sessions. Your professor and SI leader will both continue to remind you throughout the semester of SI study session times and location.

Is it mandatory to attend SI study sessions?

SI is an academic support program offered to all students. SI participation is 100% voluntary. Students may attend as many times as they choose. National SI research indicates that students who regularly attend SI perform better on exams and earn higher final course grades.

What can I do to prepare for an SI study session?

Because of the collaborative nature and all the personal interaction during SI sessions, you are expected to come prepared to study. This means you should always bring your textbook, lecture notes, class handouts, and/ or any sample problems you may have. Doing so makes SI sessions effective and guarantees the best use of your time.

However, SI does not replace class lecture/meetings. SI study sessions are meant to complement class lecture. You are expected to attend class meeting and lectures. SI is an academic support for the course; it is not an opportunity for you to skip class. Lastly, you are highly encouraged to attend SI on a weekly basis. National SI research indicates that students who regularly attend SI perform better on exams and earn higher final course grades.

When do sessions start?

SI sessions start the first or second week of classes. Each SI Leader typically has one or more review sessions per week.

What’s in it for me?

Students who take advantage of SI can earn up to a full letter grade higher in SI courses than those who don't participate, and they are twice as likely to successfully complete the course. In addition, students have the opportunity to make social connections and gain study skills they can apply in any class. SI is for everyone, so give it a try!

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