Event Planning

CSUDH Sign on Campus

Event Planning Checklist

This checklist serves as a roadmap for event organizers, outlining key tasks, timelines, and essential elements that need attention throughout the event planning process.

It includes items such as venue selection, budgeting, catering arrangements, audio-visual requirements, marketing and promotion support, and logistical considerations.

Event Planning Checklist [PDF] 

Photo of campus

Fundraising Events

Does your event have a fundraising component?

Download the Fundraising Event Approval Form [PDF]

If you have questions pertaining to your fundraiser, visit the Advancement Services website.


Scheduling the President

The President looks forward to attending campus or social events, or speaking to campus groups. To request the President’s attendance at your event, please download, complete, and submit the appropriate form to your Department Vice President for approval. Once the President Attendance Request Forms has been approved by your Department Vice President, send it to the President’s Office. The President’s office requires these requests no later than 4 weeks before the event. All event-related printed materials that include the name of the President require approval prior to publication and/or distribution.

President Event Attendance Request


Government or Community Involvement

Will you be inviting government officials or have a community organization involved in or attending your event? Contact the Office of Government and Community Relations staff by email or call (310) 243-3787.

Image of campus

University Communications & Marketing

Design and Creative Services

University Communications provides professional art direction and design services for university promotional materials, print, and electronic communications. The design and content of event promotional materials bearing the President’s name must be approved by the President's Office.

Contact UCM at (310) 243-2001 or visit the UCM website.

Social Media Policies and Guidelines

To assist in posting content and managing CSUDH social media sites, the university has developed policy and guidelines for official use of social media. These apply to university faculty, staff, students and other representatives, and can be used in connection with social media accounts associated with colleges, schools, departments, programs, clubs and other university entities.

For more information, please visit the Social Media Guidelines page.


The brand website lists and explains the importance of campus-wide standards governing the use of logos, as well as the various stationery formats for CSUDH. You can browse through an online version of the brand manual, or download a PDF suitable for printing. For more information, please visit the brand page.

If you have questions please visit the UCM website.