Engaging with UPC


Promoting Innovation

The UPC exists to promote large-scale, high-impact projects. At its core, a high-impact initiative is a detailed plan that outlines the steps needed to achieve strategic and long-term goals. To ensure its success, involving stakeholders from the campus community and seeking their input and feedback during the planning process is crucial.

The initiative must have clearly defined goals, objectives, timelines, and resources, and support should be allocated accordingly to ensure effective implementation. Working together and leveraging the diverse expertise of our community, we can develop and execute initiatives that make a meaningful impact.

To ensure success, projects meeting the criteria below are categorized as large-scale and/or high-impact and are afforded the time and resources of the UPC and the Project Management Office (PMO).

Impact a quarter of the campus population (staff, faculty, and/or students)
Require resources from 3 or more divisions and/or colleges

promoting collaboration

Promoting Collaboration

The UPC will promote collaboration and synergy for large-scale, high-impact projects. Anyone can bring an idea to the UPC to benefit from the wealth of knowledge and experience within this group of cross-divisional thought leaders. In this capacity, the UPC acts as an idea incubator.


Promoting Transparency & Data-Informed Prioritization

The UPC will promote transparency through shared ownership and communication throughout university structures. Project requests are analyzed using a standardized rubric that calculates the project's complexity and value. This supports university decision-makers in seeing the alignment of projects against the university mission, strategic plan, master plan, etc., leading to well-informed decision-making, prioritization, and resource alignments.

change management

Promoting Project & Change Management Methodology

The UPC connects project sponsor(s) with Project and Change Management professionals throughout the project lifecycle. These professionals will coordinate the day-to-day work for the project, keeping stakeholders and the campus community informed and freed from this responsibility.