University Offices & Auxiliaries

Event Checklist Form 


  • Venue use reservations for university offices and departments are available 13 months in advance.
    • Note: Classroom reservations cannot be confirmed until the respected semester Academic Class Schedule is complete.
  • Reservations must be placed on a minimum of two weeks in advance.
  • Reservations are accepted and processed in order of receipt.
  • Tentative reservations will not be accommodated.
  • Priority booking is extended to on-campus constituents.

Reservation Process

Complete and submit an online reservation request through Event Management System (EMS).

Campus Access/Account Required.

Complete Event Checklist form, if applicable.

The appropriate facility/venue holder, for which the space you are requesting to reserve, will review your request and contact via email for any additional information/documentation.

Please allow a 72-hour grace period for review.

When requests have been reviewed, your reservation will be processed in EMS and will receive a confirmation email from the appropriate facility/venue holder.

Successful event

Risk Management

Complete the form for any event that:

  • has programming activities such as food & beverage, guest speaker, performers, vendors, outside guests, minors.
  • is sponsored by a student organization except tabling events on the east and west walkways

Do not complete the form for internal campus department meetings. Form must be completed and submitted to no later than 2 weeks prior to the event date.

State Fire Marshal (SFM) Permit Application

Submit an application for:

  • any event where the event space will be used in a manner that it was not originally intended or designed for. For example - a drive through distribution event in a parking lot, a speaking engagement at the gym, a programming event on the north lawn etc.
  • any event with the following – hot food preparation, tents or multiple canopies in use, stages or grandstands, temporary fencing, seating with more than 200 chairs. This is not an exhaustive list, please see the bullet above.