Tahereh Aghdasifar

Tahereh Aghdasifar

Assistant Professor

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Tahereh Aghdasifar is on leave for the 2023-2024 academic year

Tahereh Aghdasifar is Assistant Professor of Women's Studies at California State University, Dominguez Hills. She earned a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies with a certificate in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from Emory University and M.A. in Women's Studies from Georgia State University.

Aghdasifar specializes in queer of color critique, performance studies, critical Ethnic Studies, and transnational feminism. Her work focuses on questions of sociality, opacity, and the economy, particularly within and between Asian America and Southwest Asia and North Africa. Her current book engages a series of "ugly" cultural objects to build a materialist genealogy of anti-representational politics rooted in queer forms of care. Her scholarship is forthcoming or published in GLQ, Women & Performance, and A Love Letter to "This Bridge Called my Back," among others.