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Engage with the Office of Sustainability on a variety of fun events and activities designed to rally our campus community around sustainability.
Engage with the Office of Sustainability during the month of March for fun activities to help you race to reduce your impact on the environment. Visit the Sustainability booth at the weekly Farmers Market for special activities and exhibits. Support CSUDH's participation in the national Race to Zero Waste by taking advantage of all the reduce/reuse/recycle resources our campus provides ( View this year's standings to see how CSUDH's waste diversion performance is stacking up!
April 22, 2025 | 9:00 am PDT- 2:30 pm PDT
Where: CSUDH Walkways (South Walkway, NSM-SBS Walkway, East Walkway) and the outdoor Library roof deck (behind the South Walkway/Farmers Market).
When: Tuesday, April 22, 2025 (9am-2:30pm)
What: please plan to join us in the great outdoors on the South, East, and NSM-SBS walkways for Earth Day-themed tabling and exhibits by campus groups and other organizations from across the state, showcasing their remarkable efforts dedicated to environmental preservation and justice, along with our weekly CSUDH Farmer's Market.
Interested in Exhibiting? If you are an organization/group interested in tabling at Earth Day, please be sure to register here: 2025 Earth Day Vendor Registration.
Below are some recent stories about the university’s efforts to further sustainability on campus.