Curriculum Review

The Curriculum Review Process is the procedure by which curriculum proposals are reviewed in contexts beyond the individual program.  The process involves the coordination of CSU system-wide goals and the CSUDH Strategic Plan with existing and proposed programs within the university.  The Curriculum Review Process plays a key role in upholding and disseminating the core values fundamental to our success:  accountability, collaboration, continuous learning, rigorous standards, proactive partnerships, respect, and responsiveness.  Through the Curriculum Review Process we build the excellent academic programs that reinforce our position as a comprehensive model urban university and continue to build on our academic excellence by offering programs that respond to the needs and demands of our communities’ employers, that prepare our graduates with skills and knowledge needed to compete in a globalized 21st century, and by innovating our academic offerings and the way we deliver them.  Specifically, we pursue new academic programs and concentrations relevant to student interest reflecting current workforce trends and demands and provide access through diverse instructional modalities (online/hybrid) to increase student access, flexibility and retention. 

Submitting Proposals in Course Leaf  - Start Here!

Curriculum review in Course Leaf follows the same path of consultations and approvals as in the previous system, only now all documentation is collected and stored in Course Leaf. Once “workflow” is started, courses and programs move through the Course Leaf system for approval. Proposals are reviewed in the order they are received and typically take about two weeks for review at each step. Proposers can check the status of their proposal, as well as see any comments related to proposals, at any time in Course Leaf. As in the previous system, documentation of necessary consultations is required for proposals to be posted in the Curriculum Register. Once proposals clear the Curriculum Register moratorium phase, they will move to the College Curriculum Committee and/or University Curriculum Committee for review. Please see the “Curriculum Review Process & Workflows” section below for more details on proposing and modifying programs and courses.

Due to staffing changes, Academic Programs will offer updated office hours effective Wednesday, February 5.

  • Academic Programs Office Hours via Zoom
    • Mondays: 10:00 am - 11:30 am
    • Tuesdays: 9:00 am - 10:00 am
    • Wednesdays: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
    • Thursdays
      • 1st & 3rd Thursdays: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
      • 2nd & 4th Thursdays: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
    • Fridays
      • 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Course Leaf Forms
Course Form 

Program Form 

Miscellaneous Form

This form can be used to request: a new prefix, a special topic, activate a reserved course, submit an objection, submit an online/hybrid pilot request, request a curriculum review decision appeal, or submit a projected degree proposal for the Academic Master Plan.

To submit your request: 

  1. Click on the Miscellaneous Form link. 
  2. Login using you CSUDH Credentials
  3. Once redirected to the form, click on the green ‘Propose New Miscellaneous’ button.
  4. Using the ‘Request Type’ dropdown, select the request you would like to submit. 
  5. Enter the information detailed in the form.

    For assistance with Course Leaf, please join Academic Programs in Office hours via Zoom.

    Course Leaf Training Session Recordings

    Course Leaf Training Session Recordings

    To access one of the Course Leaf training sessions, please click on one of the below sessions.  

    Faculty Curriculum Reviewers/Approvers: 
    Faculty Curriculum Reviewers/Approvers: 
    General Faculty Users (Passcode: B0ns@26R)

    Curriculum Review Processes & Workflows

    Process Guides

    Process Guides

    Flattened Version of Course Leaf Course & Program form for Planning Purposes

    Forms cannot be submitted outside of Course Leaf. All proposal information must be input in the online course form or program form via Course Leaf. 

    Flattened Course Form

    Flattened Program Form

    Impact Statements
    1. Consultation with Information/Academic Technology - Proposer/department has consulted with IT to confirm that the available academic technology, equipment, and other specialized materials are appropriate to support the program needed for implementation. 
    2. Consultation with Library
      • Proposer/department has consulted with the University Library to confirm that the institution offers adequate access to both electronic and learning resources
      • Proposer/department has consulted with the University Library to confirm that the institution will need to purchase adequate access to additional electronic and/or learning resources.
      • Confirm that the campus is committed to purchasing these additional resources. 
    3. Consultation with USLOAC
      • Proposer/department has consulted with USLOAC to confirm they have provided an accurate and appropriate assessment plan. 
      • Proposer/department has consulted with USLOAC to confirm they have provided an accurate and appropriate curriculum map. 
    4. Department Chair Impact Statement Questions
      • Is the required expertise available among existing faculty to teach in the program?
      • Are additional facilities required for the program?
      • Is additional equipment (computers, serve allocation, laboratory equipment, etc.) needed to support the program?
      • Please list and fully explain any additional resources needed for the program.
    5. College Dean Impact Statement Questions
      • Explain the program's alignment with the University's mission.
      • Explain the program's alignment with the College's goals and objectives.
      • Are the College's current year faculty workload and support positions (i.e, clerical, technical, etc.) sufficient to staff and support the program?
      • Is the required expertise available among existing faculty?
      • Are additional facilities required for teh program?
      • Is additional equipment (computers, server allocation, laboratory equipment, etc.) needed to support the program?
      • List and fully explain the College's support for any additional resources needed.
    6. Graduate Programs and Courses
    Criteria for Special Designations, General Education & Graduate Council

    Curriculum Review Calendars & Proposal Tracking

    Committee Calendars & Review Timelines

    Curriculum Review Calendar

    • 2024-25 Curriculum Review Calendar[PDF]: this calendar contains submissions deadlines, meeting dates and publication dates for all curriculum review committees and the Curriculum Register. For a more focused look, please review the individual calendars below. 

    Curriculum Committee Calendars for Curriculum Review & Curriculum Register

      Curriculum Proposal Tracking
      Note: Please allow a minimum of 48 hours for the tracking logs to be updated. 

      To access curriculum proposals submitted via Course Leaf click here. For instructions on how to view proposals click here. 

      To access the curriculum proposal tracking for proposals submitted as of March 10, 2023, please use the link below. Please note all tracking logs are organized by academic year. 

      • Curriculum Review Tracking (includes proposals received after College Curriculum Committee review and approval; notes GEC & UCC reviews)
        College & Dept CC Membership