Dr. Horace Crogman

Horace Crogman

Dr. Horace Crogman Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Research Scientist in Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Biophysics

Email: hcrogman@csudh.edu

I want every student to know how committed I am to their success, and I want them to look back on their time with me and feel that same commitment to help others learn in whatever way they can.


Dr. Horace Crogman is a distinguished researcher in biophysics, known for his profound contributions in theoretical spectroscopy, experimental biophysics, computational physics, and educational research. His work seamlessly integrates complex theoretical concepts with cutting-edge computational models and experimental techniques, offering groundbreaking insights in both biophysics and quantum biology.

Research Interests and Current Projects

 Dark-Bubble Phenomenon in Biophysics

Dark-Bubble Phenomenon in Biophysics

At Middle Tennessee State University, Dr. Crogman and his team are at the forefront of exploring the 'Dark-bubble' phenomenon. This groundbreaking research investigates the interactions between magnetic beads and cancer cells within a laser trap, leading to the formation and collapse of a 'Dark-bubble' that emits intense radiation. This project holds immense potential for medical technology, particularly in developing targeted cancer treatments.

Faculty: Dr. Horace Crogman

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Quantum Biology and Tunneling Phenomena

Quantum Biology and Tunneling Phenomena

In a parallel venture, Dr. Crogman delves into the realm of quantum biology. His pioneering work focuses on quantum tunneling phenomena in biological systems, utilizing advanced computational models to unravel the role of quantum mechanics in DNA mutations and enzyme reactions. This project highlights the inadequacies of classical physics in explaining certain biological processes and paves the way for new understandings in quantum biology

Faculty: Dr. Horace Crogman

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Theoretical Spectroscopy and Educational Research

Theoretical Spectroscopy

Continuing his longstanding work in theoretical spectroscopy and educational advancements, Dr. Crogman merges theoretical knowledge with practical applications and educational innovation, particularly in the realms of extended reality (XR) and dynamic learning tools.

Faculty: Dr. Horace Crogman

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Education Research


Adaptive Technology to enhance learning

Discover the power of Adaptive Technology for enhanced learning experiences. Our innovative solutions dynamically adjust to individual learner needs, providing personalized pathways to success. From customized content delivery to real-time feedback, we harness technology to optimize learning outcomes for every student.

Faculty: Dr. Horace Crogman


Thinking and Learning throught question asking

Embark on a transformative journey of thinking and learning through the art of question asking. Our approach fosters critical thinking skills, curiosity, and deep understanding by encouraging inquiry-driven exploration. From sparking insightful discussions to igniting innovative solutions, we empower learners to uncover new perspectives and unlock their full intellectual potential. Join us in embracing the power of questions to inspire meaningful learning experiences and cultivate lifelong learners.

Faculty: Dr. Horace Crogman

Research Interests and Current Projects

Dr. Crogman’s projects in both biophysics and quantum biology are inherently multidisciplinary, incorporating elements of theoretical physics, computational modeling, and experimental research. He is keen on collaborative opportunities that can expand the scope and depth of these projects, particularly in bridging theoretical models with experimental validations.

Selected Accomplishments

  • Pioneer in researching the 'Dark-bubble' phenomenon, with potential applications in cancer treatment.
  • Leading computational modeling efforts in understanding quantum tunneling in biological systems.
  • Published extensively in theoretical spectroscopy and its applications in molecular dynamics.
  • Innovator in integrating extended reality in physics education, enhancing learning experiences worldwide.

Future Directions

Dr. Crogman is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of biophysics and quantum biology, with a focus on developing and validating new computational models and experimental techniques. His ongoing projects are set to provide significant insights into the interplay of quantum mechanics and biological processes, with far-reaching implications in both science and medicine.

Contact Information

Dr. Horace Crogman

California State University Dominguez Hills

Physics Department

