Faculty-Led Study Abroad: Spring Intersession Courses & Costs

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Faculty-Led Study Abroad: Spring Intersession Courses and Costs

Take a course with an international focus! Spring Intersession 2023 Courses include programs in Bulgaria and Italy.

Course #TitleUnitsBegin DateEnd DateCostProfessor
ANT 495Food Traditions of Sicily36/17/20236/30/2023$3,584
(including flight)
Dr. Janine Gasco
BUS 100Entrepreneurship for Everyone36/5/20236/17/2023$3,709
(excluding flight)
Dr. Thomas Norman
GEO 495Water Sustainability and Geodiversity in the Balkans36/5/20236/17/2023$3,629
(excluding flight)
Dr. John Keyantash
MGT 200Global Organizational Ethics and Social Responsibility36/17/20236/30/2023$3,709
(including flight)
Dr. Thomas Norman
PSY 495Cross-Cultural Psychology in Italy: Foods and Traditions of Wellbeing36/17/20236/30/2023$3,584
(including flight)
Dr. Giacomo Bono

* Schedule and costs subject to change | Updated 1/26/2023

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Course Descriptions

ANT 495 | Food Traditions of Sicily

This course focuses on relationships between humans and food with a specific focus on Sicily. The course explores biological, cultural, and historical impacts on food traditions among humans in general and specifically on the people of Sicily. A 13-day visit to Sicily provides students with direct experiences that bring these concepts to life. Interaction with a variety of individuals and organizations in Sicily who are involved with food planning, production, and distribution provides opportunities for discussions and comparisons with their own notions related to all aspects of food traditions.

BUS 100 | Entrepreneurship for Everyone

This course covers key issues involving entrepreneurship, including how to write a business plan and develop a pitch for investors/partners. Students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate teamwork skills by working interdependently toward joint goals with joint accountability.
  • Describe the basic elements of a business plan and critically analyze the elements of an effective business plan.
  • Analyze case studies and ethical dilemmas that new small businesses may encounter.
  • Explore the duties and leadership role of the entrepreneur/owner.

GEO 495 | Geodiversity and Sustainability in the Balkans

This field course will survey a variety of natural resources in scenic Bulgaria, including rivers, gorges, caves, geothermal springs, and alpine environments. The physical geography of Bulgarian landforms will be examined from the perspective of their geographic and geological uniqueness—their geodiversity. The management and protection of Bulgarian natural resources will be considered in the context of the cultural heritages of Eastern Europe, as well as international norms for conservation. This course will address the important topic of sustainability, as it applies to Bulgaria and beyond.

MGT 200 | Global Organizational Ethics and Social Responsibility

This course covers key issues involving ethics and social responsibility in global organizations. We will study historical ethical perspectives of major Eastern, Middle Eastern, and Western philosophies.  We will examine the ethical issues involving self-interest, power, greed, charisma, duty, loyalty, and culture. Ethical concepts and theories such as utilitarianism and the moral rights approach are explored. Students will be challenged to think critically, discuss, and debate what it means to do the right thing in a borderless world in this new century.

PSY 495 | Cross-Cultural Psychology in Italy: Foods and Traditions in Wellbeing

The purpose of this course is to learn about methods, principles and topics in Cross-Cultural Psychology. The field component of the class focuses specifically on Italian/Sicilian culture and history, with an emphasis on food and traditions that support wellbeing. Field trips provide students with the opportunity to observe and interact with Bulgarians and to critically examine issues covered in the course.

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