Study Abroad: Guatemala Costs

College of Extended and International Education ► Study Abroad ► Costs

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This investment in your education includes your tuition for 6 units of upper division anthropology credit, travel insurance to cover any expenses incurred by illness while in Guatemala (as reimbursement), all in-country transportation, entrance fees to museums and archaeological sites, all meals, and your lodging with a local family at Lake Atitlan and in comfortable hotels during our excursions. Please contact us for ideas about funding your study abroad experience. Financial Aid may be applied. Don’t let the expense keep you from the experience of a lifetime!

Program Expenses
Tuition (6 units)$1,808.00
Travel Insurance$140.00
Program Fee *$2,002.00
* Does NOT include airfare to and from Guatemala City; students must arrange their own airfare to arrive in Guatemala City by 5:00pm on June 7, 2020.
Payment Schedule
Non-Refundable Deposit (due at time of enrollment)$250.00
Remainder (due in two payments) :
March 1
April 1$1,850.00
Schedule subject to change; Last updated: 9/19/19