TieliWang-Selected Publications

Selected Publications 


Teaching Interest 

Research Interest 

Honor and Award

Selected Publications

Research Lab 


Selected Publications (1999-2007):

  1. Liu, X., Mao, Y., Mathias, E.V., Ma, C., Franco, O., Ba., Y., Kornfield, J.A., Wang, T., Xue., L, Zhou, B. and Yen, Y. (2007) Study the property of double-ended fluoroalkyl poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel as a depot for hydrophobic drug delivery using electron paramagnetic resonance technique and cell proliferation assay. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. Accepted.
  2. Zhang, Y., Zhou, J., Wang, T., and Cai, L. (2007) High level glucose increases mutagenesis in human lymphoblastoid cells. Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2007, 3: 375-379.
  3. Xue, L., Zhou, B., Liu, X., Wang, T., Shih, J., Qi, C., Yen, Y. (2006) structurally dependent redox property of ribonucleotide reductase subunit p53R2. Cancer Research, 66 (4): 1900-1905.
  4. Wang, T., Tamae, D., Shiverly, J.E., Lee, T. and Li, J. J. (2005) The role of Prx II in radioresistant MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Cancer Research, 65(22):10338-46.
  5. Wang, T., Hu, YC.,Tamae, D., Ozeki, M., Gao, Q., Gius, D., and Li, JJ. (2005) Co-activation of NFkB and Erk in protection cells from radiation toxicity. J Biol Chem., Vol. 280, Issue 13, 12593-12601.
  6. Ozeki, M., Tamae, D., Hu, YC., Wang, T., and Li, J. J. ( 2004) Regulation of first intron of cycline B1 by NFkB is affected by MnSOD expression. Anticancer Research, 24(5A):2657-63.
  7. Wang, T., Guo, G., Wong, J., and Li, JJ. (2004) Expression of ErbB2 enhances radiation induced NFkB activation. Oncogene. 23, 535-545.
  8. Guo, G, Yan-Sanders, Y., Lyn-Cook, B. D, Wang, T., Tamae, D., and Li, JJ. (2003) NFkB mediated manganese superoxide dismutase in radiation induced adaptive responses. Mol. Cell. Biol., 23, 2362-2378.
  9. Wang, T., and Li, J. J. (2002) NFkB activation and cell adaptive response. Int. J. Immunopharm., 2(11), 1509-1618.
  10. Wang, T., Arifoglu,P., Ronai,Z., and Tew, KD. (2001) Probing the interaction between Glutathione S-Transferase P1-1 and c-Jun NH2 Terminal Kinase. J. Biol. Chem., 276(24): 20999-21003.
  11. Ruscoe, JE., Rosario, LA., Wang, T., Gate L., Arifoglu P., Wolf, CR, Henderson, CJ, Ronai, Z., and Tew, KD. (2001) Pharmacological or genetic manipulation of glutathione s-transferase p1-1 (GSTpi) influences cell proliferation pathways. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 298(1): 339-345.
  12. Wang, T., Dowal L., El-Maghrabi, R., Rebecchi, M and Scarlata, S. (2000) The Pleckstrin homology domain of phospholipase C - beta links the binding of G?? to activation of the catalytic core. J. Biol. Chem., 275(11), 7466-7469.
  13. Wang, T., Pentyala, S., Elliott, JT., Rebecchi, M. and Scarlata S. (1999) Selective Interaction of C2 Domain of Phospholipase C-beta1 and beta2 with Active Gq Subunits: An Alternative Function for C2 Signaling Modules. Proc. Natl. Acad. of Sci., USA., 96: 7843-7846.
  14. Wang, T., Pentyala, S., Rebecchi M. and Scarlata, S. (1999) Differential Association of the Pleckstrin Homology Domains of Phospholipase C-b1, b2 and Phospholipase Cg to Lipid Bilayers and the Subunits of G Proteins. Biochem., 38(5),1517-1524.


Tilly Wang, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Office: NSM B 304
Phone: (310)243-3388
Email: twang@csudh.edu