
CHE 110 General Chemistry I

Time: MWF 8:30 - 9:45 AM

Location: SCC 1304

Download CHE110 Syllabus [WORDX]

Note: Placement test will be given before the class begins.
Information for the General Chemistry Placement Test for Fall 2008
Students wanting to take CHE 110 must take the Placement test.*
There are 5 times scheduled - you do not need a reservation but PLEASE BE ON TIME - just show up with a pencil & eraser -you may use a calculator. 
The best prep for this test is a good night sleep. This test consists of basic algebra and logic. 
Scheduled dates/times for the General Chemistry Placement Test: 
Monday 8/25 9:00-10:00 am NSM D123
Monday 8/25 2:00-3:00 pm NSM D123 
Tuesday 8/26 2:00-3:00 pm NSM D129 
Wednesday 8/27 9:00-10:00 am NSM D123
Thursday 8/28 2:00-3:00pm NSM D123
*If you have passed CHE 108 at CSUDH, or if you are repeating CHE 110, you do not have to take the placement test. Everyone else must take the test.

Please find the lecture slides on Black board via MYCSUDH


Tilly Wang, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Office: NSM B 304
Phone: (310) 243-3388
Email: twang@csudh.edu