What Our Alumni Say

Master of Arts in the Humanities Online

Quotes from HUX Students

Stephan Tubbs, correspondent and anchor for ABC News radio and TV:

Tubbs, ABC Radio’s live anchor the night of 9/11, covers the hot spots for ABC News—whether it’s the Kobe Bryant trial or the war in Iraq. He says that, with a reporting schedule that takes him on the road over 80 days a year, it would have been impossible for him to pursue an M.A. degree without the flexibility of the HUX program. About the HUX course he took, “The Arab World,” Tubbs says, I cannot think of a better example of how this translates to my career. I certainly don’t know nearly enough about that subject, and with this, I can apply it to the news I’m covering all the time. That’s a total bonus.”

Army First Lieutenant Ralan Hill, from Schwinfurt Germany in 2003:

Reflecting on John Stuart Mill’s “On Liberty,” a work he was reading for a HUX course, he said, “Unfortunately, I don’t think the world works with a nice clear-cut examples as Mill details, but I learned individuals are the critical element. Being able to adapt with individuals is critical to functioning within any group, whether that is my group, division, the United States or the world.”
— Ryan Brandt, “Being All they Can Be,” View Summer 2003, 25.

Tristan Cajar, while planning and directing the movements of 300 ships for the U.S. Navy in the Arabian Gulf in 2003:

“[Taking the HUX program] was difficult at first, but then I realized I could turn my scholarship into a hobby. I am imbuing myself in my work whenever I get the chance. This has been my anchor to sanity. . . . The program has given me the understanding that I’m no longer just a cog in the wheel of a war, but a needed part in supporting our freedom.”
— Ryan Brandt, “Being All they Can Be,” View Summer 2003, 25.